21 - Chapter Twenty-One - Sasha Dean's Point Of View.

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Ryer seemed far from pleased when he saw exactly what I had when heading into the room. Alessio and Caleb each had a respected body, they were quickly working on trying to keep around but weren't moving out of fear of them dying if they tried before they could get them at least stable for a moment. The third person, there was no saving them. You just couldn't collect chunks of grey matter and stuff it back in the hole in their head.

Maddox was pretty clear on this being an accident. But even I was having trouble seeing how this happened. From what I heard from Maddox, one guy misfired his weapon after goofing off with it and after he hit the other two, He decided then to eat a bullet for it.

Looking at the mess, it was becoming pretty clear that this was a terrible accident that happened because of the mishandling of a weapon. They set all the lockboxes up along the back tables and there was thirty or more of them. It was a range of weapons from shotguns to automatic rifles, they just seemed to be tossed haphazardly on the tops of cases. Nothing had even been unloaded or safety flicked on. Every single weapon was still loaded and trigger ready.

Ryer and Andrei had left the room, but I could still hear Ryer from wherever he was, he was yelling loudly about whatever had happened in here. I spotted the camera in the corner when I walked in; I was sure that was checked to make sure this had been an accident.

I moved from one end of the table to the other, flicking on safeties and checking they were indeed working. It was clear as I started breaking down the weapons to store them away a fair bit of them were quite illegal for public gun owners. Getting them back into the cases, I double-checked them before locking them all away. I had even made sure there were no loaded chambers as you should.

In the time it took for me to break them down and remove add-ons, They had lost another guy and focused on moving the other. By the time I got everything put away, They had managed to move the other guy. Ryer was still yelling in the other room, no doubt at the others who had been present here.

"Maddox, Everything here is broken down and put away safely. Did you want to do that one?"

Pointing to the gun in the puddle of blood. It was a standard automatic rifle, but it didn't look like the rest. It looked beat up just from where I was standing, and probably not safe to fire to begin with. Caleb or Alessio had left a bag on the table near the front of the gun range and I could see gloves hanging out.

"Maddox, do you mind grabbing me a pair of gloves?"

"No, hold on."

He crossed the room in record time, and back. I slipped the gloves on and picked up the blood-soaked weapon. Just from looking at it, it was clear the safety didn't work, but I wanted to test that.

"Give me some space," I said making sure it was loud enough to be heard by the few who were still in the room. Maddox backed up, not quite to the door as the other few did.

With the safety engaged, I tapped the trigger and went back, firing three bullets down the range. From there, I did the safest thing; I pulled the loaded clip out. The safety was on, but it didn't do a damn thing. Firing the weapon had coated me in blood, more so my arm and chest.

Ryer had clearly heard the shot too, because of the open door, he pushed through the few in the doorway and looked to make sure nothing had happened. Maddox took the weapon from me and set it on the front table. He was quick to ask for Jackson.

"Tell him to meet me in the weapons room, Sasha you come with me."


I followed Maddox down the hall to another couple of rooms. There were shelves of cases and lockers. When Jackson came, Maddox took him to show him the weapon leaving me in the room. I browsed the shelves until they returned. Jackson took out his phone before going through some paperwork in a binder.

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