03 - Chapter Three - Sasha Dean's Point Of View.

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Ryer left his place early, I heard him leave when I was sitting up in the bed, taking yet another round of pain pills. They gave me sleeping pills as well, but I wasn't interested in taking them. Checking my phone which lay on the nightstand beside the bed, it was only six am. I figured he must be heading to train, like that Alexi and Creed did every few days. Though, they left later than Ryer did.

I waited until the pain pills fully kicked in before I attempted to venture out of the bed. I didn't trust walking without some kind of pain pills right now.

I could get dressed in sweatpants and a T-shirt pretty easily. I had managed that by day three or four. Slipping my phone into the front left pocket. I took my first few steps, this would tell me how the rest of my day would go.

The steps came pretty easily, and it was a minor victory for me. The limp was still there but less than it had been yesterday. They said it would be about six months before I would be completely healed, but the extent of how healed would be the big question.

The doctors who had done the surgery said it had gone down with no complications and had been a perfect surgery, now it was just up to my body to do the healing.

Checking my phone again, I sighed. Lukas was already back to work and would leave soon, and Alexi and Creed were not even awake yet. I had phone access to Alexi and Creed's office so I could head there, but right now, I wanted to check on Lev and see how he was doing.

My boots, shoes and my coat which had all been at Alexi and Creed's house were hung up and placed neatly. It made me annoyed, and I wanted to mess up his whole coat and shoe rack. But I didn't. I also didn't take any shoes when I left his section.

As long as I didn't walk too fast the limp stayed pretty unnoticed, but the moment I went faster than a normal slow stroll, the limp started. It made me so damn frustrated. I kept having to tell myself I was still healing, and this was normal.

Maddox had stuck Lev in the far end of the complex away from everyone else. I was pretty sure I knew where he was. I passed one of the underbosses who was on the phone; I was pretty sure his name was Jackson. He stopped dead in the hall, pulling the phone away from his ear.

"Sasha. Nice to see you up walking."

He put the phone back to his ear and went back to walking down the hall, way faster than I was, he seemed to be on a mission. Finding the room where Lev was had been easy, it was the only door in the entire hall with a light on.

I knocked one, and the door was ripped open. Lev looked me up and down before the largest of smiles broke out on the Russian's face.

"Sasha, nice to see you alive."

"I could say the same to you."

"Is it safe to hug you, or will you fall apart?"

"I would hope not. They worked really hard putting my spine back together or so I'm told."

Lev lightly hugged me, and it was a weird thing. It was not the first time he had held me in such a way; he had done so when I was drunk.

"What of your injuries?"

"Minor, healing fine. I'll be here another week or so, before I to one of my own homes. Which I don't know yet. But Andrei's heir won't let me leave for another week."


"Yes, Great doctor, but so demanding."

"He wants to make sure you are safe to travel. He doesn't want all the work he took to keep you alive to be in vain. Can't say I blame him." I snorted.

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