20 - Chapter Twenty - Ryer Kelly's Point Of View.

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I felt Sasha trying to pull himself free from me around six in the morning based on the light level coming from the window. Rolling over I pulled him back against me. We were not about to have a repeat of the event before.

"Go back to bed Sasha."

"Ryer. I have to pee." He whined his voice deeper than normal.

"Pee then come back to bed. Or I swear."

Moving my arm from around him, he was pretty quick to dart to the bathroom. I waited for him to come back too. He moved just as quickly back to the bed as he left it. He shivered as he crawled back under the blankets and pressed himself right against me. He had been passed right out when I came to bed only a half-hour later.

I felt Sasha shove his chilly fingers down the waistband of my sweatpants on my back. It surprised me he was this touchy in the morning.



I pulled him closer to me.

"Ryer what are you doing——Oh. Warmth."

He was quiet as he wiggled himself into a position where he was wrapped around me. Just as he seemed to finally settle down I was pulling myself away from him because I had to pee in the worst way. He looked up glaring at me.

"I have to use the bathroom."

He pulled his arms back but didn't stop glaring at me.

When I got out of the bathroom, he was still awake but he had moved into my spot and had wrapped himself around the pillow I had been using. He inched back over onto his own side but took my top pillow with him.

The bed was still warm when I climbed back in with Sasha. I turned to look at him.

"You could have warned me the seat was cold."

Sasha snorted before he broke out in a full laugh. He gave me back my pillow, but not before I watched him inhale it from the corner of my eye.

"Warm me... Peasant." Sasha said inching closer.

"If your cold you could put some pants on you know."

"Or you could give me some of your heat."

He must have been feeling playful this morning because he rolled on top of me. He blinked a few times before he went to move, but I wrapped my arms around him lightly.


"Nope, you reap what you sow."

"Ryer, please let me go."

"I think not, you wanted my heat you got it."

Sasha was hard, and he was trying to get away from me because of it.

"Ryer please."

I opened my arms, and he didn't move. When I looked at him again, his eyes were closed and he was breathing through his nose.

"Sasha, are you in pain?"


"Sasha, you need to——"

He relaxed back against me; he moved his hips so that they weren't touching me.

"Sasha, relax. It's only a boner."

He looked up, and I watched his cheeks flush before he muttered for me to shut it. I pulled him even closer until there was no space between us and his hard-on was pressed against me. He didn't fight me not in the slightest. His pupils were dilated, and he was still breathing through his nose.

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