10 - Chapter Ten - Sasha Dean's Point Of View.

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 I made it back to Ryer's around one a.m and he was sitting on the couch when I came in. He said nothing when he saw me walk in. He just looked at me before looking back at the tv.

"Sorry Ryer, I didn't mean to take off, I needed to go for a quick walk, I called my parents too. I didn't consider the time, but yeah. So I made plans to go to see them this weekend and you are coming too. Sorry."

He turned back around and just blinked at me, and then nodded, but then stopped.

"Wait, Did you say I'm coming with you to your parents' place?"


"I have work and—-"

"Look. I'll be honest, I might need you for emotional support or whatever they call it."

"I understand that, but I honestly have work to do."

"Then I'll ask Maddox to give you a few days off. Hell, name your price and I'll pay it. I have money---"

"Sasha, stop. You don't have to pay me. Seriously."

"Ryer you don't understand, I just don't want to go there alone. Not like this. I haven't seen them in three years."

"Sasha, you don't need to explain it to me. If you need me to go with you, I'll go but only if Maddox is ok with that. I can't just up and take off though, I have a job to do."

"I understand, I appreciate you will try to come with me at least."

Ryer just nodded, and I walked to sit on the end of the couch. He was watching hockey on the Tv, and he seemed really into it. I wasn't a big sports fan, but I didn't want to go sit in the bedroom by myself. I yawned, But relaxed back into the couch. Ryer never even seemed to notice me relax into the couch.

He cheered when the one team got a goal and his bouncing on the couch was the only thing keeping me awake at the moment. I would have gone to bed but even after sitting there for as long as I did. But even now, I still didn't want to be alone. Softly, without Ryer noticing, I relaxed more and more into the couch until I was crunched up into the corner and my head was resting on the arm.

I closed my eyes, just to rest them for a few moments. When I opened them the next time the living room was dark and Ryer was attempting to remove me from the couch. I grunted at him, but he just shushed me and continued to pick me up until he had me completely off the couch.

"Put me down I can walk."

He ignored me; he took a bunch of steps and clearly headed towards his room with me. I debated freaking out about the fact he was taking me to his room, but I didn't. I was too tired to act up about being in bed beside him.

He laid me on the bed, and it was like the best feeling I felt in a while. His bed was like a marshmallow and it swallowed me but didn't hurt my spine. I never even felt Ryer get in the bed. I only stayed awake in the bed for a few minutes before I passed out.

I cracked open an eye and looked around; It was pretty dark in the room but the clock on the nightstand said it was nine am. Ryer was still in the bed, not by choice though clearly. I was wrapped around him and he was awake.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked softly, reaching out to flick on the lamp on the nightstand.

"Yeah, actually."

My right arm was slung over his chest and my right leg was in between his, there was really no space between us right now. I wasn't ready to move away from him either. I was comfortable right against him, and he wasn't complaining about it. The warmth from his skin was pleasing even through the t-shirt he was wearing. I wondered what the heat of his bare skin might be like right now.

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