18 - Chapter Eighteen - Sasha Dean's Point Of View.

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Looking at Ryer I waited for him to take back his underhanded comment about how I wasn't cut out for his line of work if I couldn't handle the smell and the bodies. He dried off his hair still not taking the comment back.

"Take that back Ryer."

"It's the truth, maybe you shouldn't take Maddox up on his offer."

The more he spoke, the mad I got about it. Until finally I had it.

"You know what, I don't care for or about your opinion, I'll do it just out of spite now!"

"Sasha! Wait, I—"

I stomped out of the door and down the hall. Fuck Ryer and his bullshit, I could do whatever I wanted, and that was that. It was still well within the time that Maddox would be in his office. Knocking on the door, He opened it, his phone against his ear and he pointed to a seat without even speaking to me. I sat down, This had been the first time I had actually sat down in his office. I had seen it briefly when he come out to meet me with Alexi and Creed.

Once he was off the phone, he checked something on it before he smirked and set the phone down on the top of his desk as he sat back down.

"Sasha, Ryer said I should expect you."

"Of course he did."

"Did you come here because you're mad at Ryer or are you here because you actually want the job?"

"I want the job."

"So this has nothing to do with having something to prove to him then?"

"I have nothing to prove to Ryer. At least not anything related to this."

"This is not just a nine-to-five Sasha, it's more than that in many ways, it's late nights, dangerous situations, two a.m wake-ups. Are you sure this is what you want?"

"Yes, I'm pretty used to twenty-four-hour workdays, I thrive that way."

Maddox stuck his hand out and I shook it, it was the oddest transaction I had with him yet, but no words needed to be spoken. I knew what it meant, and he did too. It was a gentlemen's agreement, sighed and sealed with a handshake.

"Don't worry about having to jump into work, You still have all the time you need to heal and recondition your body. I might need to have your help with a few things in the next week or so, but nothing too large or overwhelming. And Sasha, I will require a few things from you, I'll have Alexi deal with that though."


"Go back to Ryers, Relax, and I'll be in touch."

I nodded before leaving his office. A weird feeling of coolness swept through my body, almost like I had don't something bad and was going to be found out. But I really had done nothing bad, not that I could think of other than accepting Maddox's offer.

Ryer was cooking dinner when I got back from Maddox's office and at first, he said nothing to me, not a word. But after a few minutes of me sitting at the table watching him, he spoke.

"Do you feel better now?"

His tone wasn't snarky or cold, it wasn't rude either; it was just his normal tone. I didn't answer him, not because I wanted to ignore him, but rather I wasn't sure what to say to him. There was a lot to that question.

"No." I hissed out finally.

"Why not?" Ryer said rolling his sleeves up to his elbows and crossing his arms as he looked at me.

"I don't know, it just didn't."

"But you did exactly what you wanted to, you proved me wrong didn't you?"

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