19 - Chapter Nineteen - Sasha Dean's Point Of View.

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Andrei stopped into Alexi's office to pick up paperwork for the club well, Ryer stayed out in the hall. Andrei looked at me before looking back at the hall.

"Oh. It's a lover's spat."

"We are not lovers." I hissed.

"Here is your paperwork," Alexi said before passing it off to him.

"Bring Ryer back in one piece," I said quietly.

"I'll try," Andrei said before heading out of the office.

Alexi narrowed his eyes at me.

"Bring Ryer back in one piece, My god Sasha, you are in over your head. That right there is called falling in love with someone, you care about him."

"I don't, I just don't——"

"You want nothing to happen to him and the thought of something hurting him makes you ill. Welcome to love my friend, buckle up because it gets so much worse." Alexi chuckled.

I looked at Creed to see if he was going to be offended by Alexi's comment, but no. He actually looked like he agreed with him about the whole thing. I hated they were both in agreement about this.

"It's not that bad Sasha. So you're falling in love with Ryer, He can be a pretty decent guy. Or is it because he is a man and not a woman?"

"No, that's not the reason, his gender is the least of my worries, Ryer is hardly the first guy I've been attracted to. I'm pretty far from straight, but I'm also not gay."

"So you're bisexual then?" Alexi asked, pretty interested in knowing.

"Honestly, If I had to give myself a label I'd fit more into the pansexual label."

"Yeah, that fits too then."

"Then the problem is Ryer?"

"The problem is me. I am the largest problem."

"Details on why you are the problem, please."

"It's simple, I've never been in love, I don't even know how to connect with anyone on that level. Shit, Every single sexual encounter I've ever had has either been a one and done or casual fucks with people who I don't even see as friends."

"So it's the being in love thing that is the confusing part."

"No. It's more than just that, It's all the feelings that have invaded, it's the want to be closer to him, it's the fact I went from being a perfectly single man to now if I think about sleeping on my own it pisses me off."

"Sasha, give it time. I promise you it will go away, and you won't even remember how it felt to be this confused. Trust me, I wrote the book on this shit. Now, how about we get down to some business-related shit?" Alexi said.


"I need your bank account number, cellphone and just about everything else."

"Right, I'm going to need to get my wallet then."

"Go then, hurry back."

Coming back, I handed Alexi my wallet and told him to help himself. Well, he worked on filling out some things; he was asking me other questions.

"So exactly how much of a dent are you going to put in my budget?"

I looked at Creed, who looked back at me with the same look.

"Anything I need that isn't standard, I can get for myself, I have a bit of playable cash, I'm not loaded, but I don't exactly need to work."

"Oh yeah? Got paid the big bucks?" Creed teased.

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