24 - Chapter Twenty-Four - Sasha Dean's Point Of View.

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Three days later my custom desk showed up and Ryer was pissed with it already and he hadn't even got half it put together.

"Take a deep breath, the instructions——"

"Fuck your instructions, Sasha!" He snarled at me, pointing the screwdriver at me.

"No need to get hostile Ryer."

"I'll show you fucking hostile."

"Here let me help."

"Sit the hell down. I have it."

He had it alright; he was pissed off and getting madder by the moment with the very large desk. It had really nice glass details and was made of solid oak. It came in many pieces. Ryer didn't want me to help because it was a lot of time sitting on the hard floor and heavy pieces. I looked over the instructions again before pointing out what he was doing wrong.

"Fuck Off! I've never wanted to stab someone with a screwdriver so much in my life." He yelled.

"How are things going in here?" Dr Martin poked his head in the door. This was not the first time he had either. Ryer had been yelling and having a meltdown since he started the desk project.

"I'm great, Ryer not so much." I snorted.

"Yes, I heard. Ryer, it's not nice to stab people with screwdrivers." Dr Martin commented.

I saw his hand twitch and Dr Martin spoke again.

"Sasha, Let's take a walk. We have business to discuss, anyway."


I knew what Dr Martin wanted; It was to poke around in my head for a while and then tell Maddox he had done so. I still didn't know him well enough, we had bumped into each other in passing and that was about it. We walked across the hall, and he unlocked his door.

"Please sit down."

I sat down on the couch, and it was super comfortable.

"We really haven't been introduced yet. I'm Dr Zev Martin."

"Sasha Dean."

I expected him to sit behind his desk, but he didn't he sat on the other end of the couch.

"How are you recovering?"

"Slowly. Honestly, It's driving me nuts. But I'm getting super close to the six-week mark, it's only over a week away from my appointment at that medical facility."

"How are things between Ryer and yourself now, compared to at the beginning?"

The question wasn't what I was expecting, but I was sure Alexi had told Zev about it in his own weekly sit down.

"Compared to the beginning, He is pretty nice to be around. In the beginning, I wanted nothing to do with him. I would have much rather been with Creed and Alexi. Now, I am pretty happy he didn't just wipe his hands of me. There were days I hated being with him and not with the others."

"How do you feel about Ryer right now?"

"That I left him well he is emotional distress, I'm waiting to hear him yell and scream about the desk."

"Not quite what I was looking for, but I'll take that. Would you say you care about him then?"

"I think the answer to that is more complex than just yes or no, but yes."

"Does it bother you that you have emotional ties to him now?"

I looked at Dr Martin wondering if Alexi had actually said something, or if he was just this good and could read a room.

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