Chapter 14 : 50-50

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When did I leave early? 

Oh, right! The day I heard Taehyung and Mr. Min talking and I got drunk with Ji Hyun.

Did Taehyung ask me to leave because of his meeting with Namjoon, no way! Aishhh!

"Now, you know Kim Seok Jin, right?" asks Namjoon to which you nod and say, "Yaa, the founder of JinHit Entertainment, if I'm not wrong!"

"Yaa, so basically Jin is launching a new boy band called Junior Bangtan and wants Taehyung to produce their merch."

"So what?" you ask him back.

To your question, Jennie answers, "But Joon's company has been producing all the merch for JinHit company till now. Even I don't know why but now he stopped producing merch."

Why would he do that? Rkive company has one of the best sales. 

Looking at Namjoon, you ask, "Why? Why did you stop it?"

Namjoon chuckles and says, "It's just, I want to support kids and bring their talent to the world."

Wahhh! He is such a kind person. How can someone care a lot about other people? 

Promoting kids sounds so kind and heart-touching. 

Before you can think much, Namjoon further says, "So, behind the contract, I made a deal with Taehyung. And according to our deal, I'll help him with the merch production & marketing and in return, he will help me find kids who are desperate to do something."

Sounds fair! Maybe I am just dumb!

But wait! How will Taehyung find such kids? That's kinda ironic, he himself is a kid, lol!

As if she read your mind, Jennie asks Namjoon, "But Joon! How will Kim Taehyung help you? I mean, how will he find such kids?"

"Ahhh! Taehyung used to teach saxophone. So he has a good network in that field with other instructors."

SAXOPHONE??? That idiot, I mean Daepyonim, does he also know how to play an instrument? 

Well, he surely is some kind of mystery. 

At last, Namjoon concludes, "Kim Taehyung definitely used you Y/n! But I signed the contract to get help from him. So it's 50-50, isn't it?"

Nice! Y/n! Did I just make a fool out of myself? Without knowing the entire story, I yelled at Daepyonim.

I should have listened to him at least once. Now, what will I do? 

Why is this so embarrassing? Aishhh jinja!

"Yahh Joon! Shouldn't you at least apologize to Y/n? She almost lost her job because of you. You should have told her about the deal." exclaims Jennie angrily at Namjoon.

Feeling guilty and uneasy, Namjoon apologizes to you but you cut him off and ask in a sad tone,

"I'm ok with that but what do I do now? I already told Daepyonim that I'll be submitting my resignation letter tomorrow."

Looking at your clueless face, Jennie suggests that you apologize to Taehyung before you lose your job. You nod and Namjoon tells you further that Taehyung might look like a cold-hearted person but he is not. He adds that when he asked Taehyung to help him support the kids, he didn't even think but immediately accepted the deal.

Well, I definitely don't want to lose my job, right?

No one can understand the pain of a job seeker without any experience, better than me.

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