~Future Concerns~

Start from the beginning

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It's now the weekend and I'm shopping with Alice for the party yet something inside of me is wanting to ask her an important question. I turn to look at her as she's trying to decide which party favors should she pick for the guests, and I stood right behind her as my mind continue to linger. I know my siblings so well it's as if they're an open book and ever since Alice went shopping with (Y/n), she's been acting a bit strange. She came home with a strange look on her face but put on an act for Carlisle and Esme so they wouldn't worry. Especially for Carlisle.

He's been trying everything to find Victoria before she gets her hands on (Y/n). I see him do his best to help with Bella's situation, but when it comes to (Y/n), he's doing everything he can. He even goes out with us when we try to track down where Victoria is. This isn't our only problem though: Bella had a stranger in her home, and we thought at first that it was Victoria, but Edward confirmed that it was a stranger's. We become more confused as we keep on watching the news about the strange attacks in Seattle and Carlisle made us promise that we don't tell (Y/n) but I'm not so sure about that. I understand that she's sick, but the girl can handle her own and I should know.

"Which one is better?" I blink a couple of times as I look at Alice in confusion. "Were you even paying attention, Rosalie?"

I shook my head. "No. Not really." She gives me a frown and looks at the two party favors in her hands. "Sorry Alice, but I just can't get something off of my mind."

"Is it about Victoria?" She asked and I shook my head with a hum.

"I wanted to ask you what happened when you went shopping with (Y/n)." Alice stopped what she's doing and looks up at me. "When you came home, I knew that you were hiding something, and I want to know."

Alice continues to stare at me and suddenly turns away. "I choose this one." She put one party favor down and made her way to the cashier. I make quick strides to follow her and made my way to her side.


"Just wait until we get to the car." I click my tongue on the roof of my mouth but silently agreed to it. After buying all the party favors and decorations, we put all the things in the trunk easily. I then made my way to the driver side of the car while she made her way to the passenger seat. I didn't put the key in the ignition yet because I need to know what happened right now, so I look at her with a demanding look.

Alice just sat there and look out of the windshield. Her golden orbs are filled with a mixture of unfamiliar emotions, and I knew that what she'll tell me is something big. "Talk."

After a moment, Alice finally spoke. "(Y/n)'s changing." I raise a brow at that. "She's slowly becoming what I saw in my vision when we were in Italy."

My eyes narrow a bit. "How do you know for sure?"

"I had another vision about her and it's not good." Alice said quietly and she looks out the window beside her, watching the crowd of people passing by. "And after the vision, I start to overthink about it, and tried to see what I can do to change it."

"How bad is it?"

"It's really bad. She's going to be left all alone because of what's happening to her." My eyes widen in shock. "But when I couldn't focus on anything else, (Y/n) held me and told me to breath with her."

"But we're dead." I said blankly. "We can't breathe in any air."

She nodded. "I know but somehow, she made me feel alive again."

I lean back up against the door, taken back from what Alice just told me, and lean in forward to get closer to her. "What the hell are you saying?"

"Alice. (Y/n) gained the ability to manipulate not emotions like Jasper, but to make us become alive." My jaw slightly dropped. "It was amazing, honestly. I was actually breathing in air and exhaling it! And all it took was for (Y/n) to hold me."

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