(Q's & A's for Author)

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Interviewer: Welcome, Miss *****! Thank you for coming tonight for some questions that we've all been wanting for you to answer.

Author: *Smiles kindly* Thank you for having me.

Interviewer: I know that you don't want to hear this because it's a bit annoying or sensitive for other readers but why is it taking you so long to post a single chapter? What is holding you up on not posting anything for your readers?

Author: *Takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh* We all got lives and we got responsibilities to take care of such as I. It breaks my heart to keep my fans waiting for so long but its just that my schedule have been changing a lot so it's hard for me to keep up. During this time, us authors can take this as advantage to write as many chapters as we want, but this is so difficult for some of us when it comes to our personal lives.

Interviewer: Do you feel like you're losing your fans while you keep them on hold or waiting for the next update on your books?

Author: At times, I do but as I read their comments, I can tell that they're still there. Just waiting for me patiently and I thank them all for so much support, and for their patience. It can be frustrating to be put on hold like that but I'm so grateful that they waited for me.

Interviewer: Alright. For your book, "Neutral Party", what inspired and motivated you to write this fanfic?

Author: *giggles* Well I suppose it first came from my childhood when Twilight was first out. Huge hit for the series where many pre-teens and teens just fell in love with the series. I remember the first time I watched it as a kid for my curiosity and just instantly fell in love with it because its about the supernatural world. But as I got older over time, I realized that I never wanted to be like Bella and that I dislike her in my opinion.

Interviewer: Yes. Clearly we can all see that on your book. *Laughs and smiles* But why? Why, out of all of the characters, do you not like Bella Swan? There's many other people who admire, adore, or wishes to be her. Didn't you?

Author: Oh yeah I did but as a kid, because I wanted to be in her spot. Yet as you get older, you realize that there's a lot of things that seems a bit off, you know? For example, when a natural predator tells you that they'll instantly kill you within seconds, why would you say "I don't care. I love you"? Yet when your childhood friend, who's also a natural predator, tells you about themselves you suddenly think that they're the bad guys? No. I did not like that one bit in all honesty and she's quite selfish. I get that she does try to seem caring, selfless, and adventurous but that's all only on Edward Cullen.

She's missing out on many things in life; She's basically throwing all of that away without thinking about the consequences. That's why I began to write this book: Its all about how the reader was like Bella from the past but who got the bad ending. Its like a dating simulator game! Which ending do you get? Is it good or is it bad? What comes from it and what you earn or learn from it? My character, (Y/n), is such a relatable person along with an understanding, strong, independent, and very sarcastic person. *giggles and smiles at the interviewer* In all honesty, the character is me.

Interviewer: How so?

Author: I'm the smartass in my family. For example, if someone calls me a smartass, I hit them back with a "I rather be that other than what you are." And if they ask, "What is that?" I answer, "A dumbass, obviously " *laughs while leaning forward a bit but takes a deep breath to recollect my breath*

Interviewer: Here's a question that many readers have been wonder - How is the reader able to speak with Mother Nature? Why does she have the ability to know what Mother is saying? 

Author: I mean you need to think about the clues I gave you so far, such as how many years she's been alone in those woods. First clue is she lives in the part of the woods where they did the Treaty between the vampires and werewolves. This specific part is where all the "magic" happened and it was the beginning of something big. Yes, it did divide them for what they are to each other in the past, but it began something huge for the future. The second clue is (Y/n) has been living in the tree house for ten years, yes, ten whole years she's been on her own. With that amount of time in the woods, you get to connect with nature more and it's quite incredible if you think about it. 

Interviewer: Here's another one - All of the wolves have somehow, for some odd reason, have that special connection towards her. Why?

Author: First off, I love drama and I want to see some conflict with Jacob Black and Sam Uley. One person in love with someone who doesn't love them back and the other person who's engaged but also have their past lover with them. The thought of someone going in between that made me realize like that's a good idea yet it's going to hurt my readers, which it will! But to fully answer your question, the reader has connected with nature along with their animals and so it's quite natural that all animals look at her as a protector. For the wolves though, they can feel the connection with her because she's more strong and more helpful than you think for them. 

Interviewer: You're quite complex, aren't you?  *The author nodded* Okay then, one last question - What can you tell your readers about the journal that Bella found? Can you at least give them one clue for that?

Author: *Looks at my readers* I want you all to think about "Lemony Snicket's: A Series of Unfortunate Events". Think like one of the children out of the three then look at the cover of the book again and also look at the books you readers have in the tree house. Be careful though, when you found out what you got, then you must keep it a secret. *Puts my pointer finger on my lips lightly* Because it'll be very interesting for the future, my fellow readers and that's a promise. *Winks* 

Interviewer: Alright, Miss *****! It's very nice to meet you and thank you for coming tonight! Give her a round of applause people! *The crowd does so and the author waves at them all with a smile* 

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