Chapter 6 : ONLY MINE ♡

Start from the beginning

"You only asked me to bring these heavy dusted old files'' says Jimin with disbelief and a long sigh after putting them on his desk.

You completely ignore those files and with a huge boxy smile on your face, you tell him to arrange a company dinner for the successful contract signing.

Yahh! Kim. Tae. Hyung. Come back to your senses! (you slap yourself)

Stop smiling you fool, it is just a contract. JUST. A. CONTRACT.

(Taehyung's POV ENDS here--->)


Everyone from the company is at the restaurant for dinner. It is very rare for CEO Taehyung to arrange a company dinner and hence everyone is excited about it. It is a huge, famous countryside restaurant, well known for its traditional Korean food. After dinner, everyone leaves. Jimin and Yoongi also leave together.

Taehyung comes out of the restaurant and waits for you to come. However, he cannot spot you anywhere. He gives you a call to drive him home but you don't pick up. He called you 1..2..3.. many times but gets no response from you. He again goes inside the restaurant but you are nowhere to be found.

"How can she leave me alone!" Taehyung grumbles.

Thinking you might have left alone, he goes to the parking area. He cannot even find you at the restaurant entrance or in the parking area either. However, the car is there only.

"Did she collapse somewhere or what?" 

Taehyung gets worried and calls Jimin to ask if you are with them. Jimin denies it and tells him to look around for you. Taehyung rushes here and there to search for you, getting all sweaty and out of breath.

"Where in the world did she get buried? Such a clumsy woman! Why is she even my assistant?"

After searching for a long time, Taehyung reaches an alley behind the restaurant and whispers to himself, "Finally found you!"

"Why is she wandering here and there like a kid? "

[Specially for the Indian army: "Chhoti Bacchi ho kya? "]

Initially, he sighs with a satisfied smile on his face but it is not too long before his smile disappears.

As soon as he reaches, a couple of moments later, he sees an ugly guy, coming out of nowhere behind that wall and slapping hard enough for you to almost crash to the ground.

"How dare he do that! That f*ucking son of b*itch! " Taehyung growls.

His blood starts boiling up with anger and he curls up his finger into a strong fist. 

Breathing heavily, he walks furiously toward the man near you and throws his masculine fist at him.

"How dare you touch her? Huhhhh!!!!!!!!"  Taehyung yells.

Ahhh! Wait-t! Ho-How did he come here? Let's just run Daepyonim, don't try to pick a fight.

But, that guy wasn't alone. As Taehyung punches him in his face, making him all nosebleed, other men behind him come out, whom he wasn't able to see earlier from a distance.

His radiant eyes fall on you. 

Crap! He... he is looking at me!

Please! Don't ever think to fight, I beg with you.


But he is enraged. Plus I don't seem good either and that's bad!

He turns back to those men again and gives them the evilest and most fury smile. "You four! Get ready to taste your own filthy blood today! " roars Taehyung. 

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