236. Worrisome Twins

Start from the beginning

Several minutes after Joy Had left the room, there was a light knock on the door before Kageyama's parents, and Sister came into the room.

"How are you feeling?" Kageyama's father asked quietly, not to wake up anyone and trying to keep the atmosphere calm as he walked over to the side of the bed.

Takeda sat up a tiny bit and nodded.
"Right now, I feel tired and a bit sick," He replied and rested a hand over his bump.
He looked over to Ukai, who had a perplexed expression.
"Are you okay?" he asked.

Ukai nodded before he looked back and forth between Kageyama's parents.
"Just curious about something,"

"You want to know which one of us had our children, don't you?" Mea said with a laugh, as if she was pretty used to the conversation.

"Actually, I would also like to know that," Takeda said in response, realizing that they were both able to have children.

"Akio had Miwa, and I had Tobio," Mea Replied with a smile as Akio nodded along with her. This, however, only led Takeda to have more questions, as the conversation began to help him keep his mind off of his labor and anxieties.

"How did you two decide who would be pregnant?" He asked as more curiosity seeped into him.

"We didn't necessarily decide... it just happened that way," Akio replied. Uaki and Takeda looked at each other for a moment, realizing that they had learned more about the Kageyama's love life than they had meant to. Thankfully for them, before the conversation could carry on any more, the rest of the Karasuno pack, Along with their Fukurōdani and Nekoma guests, came into the room, with Suga leading the way like he was on a mission.

How are the twins?" Suga's question Came out more concerned than he had meant for it to.

"Everything is fine, don't worry," Takeda said as he gave Suga a reassuring smile.
"We are going to have a c-section because one of the twins is breach. We are waiting for the doctor to get the paperwork together,"  He added before he began to feel some discomfort from being in the position he had been in. He laid back in the bed and tried to ignore the slight tinge of pain he had.

Doctor Shins came into the room and stared at the now crowded space.

"We have a room prepared and all the paperwork filed. We will need everyone in here, besides the parents, to wait in the waiting room,"

Miwa gently shook Ellie awake, which woke up Hinata and Kageyama. Suga gave Takeda and Ukai a concerned glance before leading everyone out of the room and to the waiting area.

Ukai held Takeda's hand as Joy pushed the hospital bed he was in down the hall towards the surgical rooms. The loser they got, the more the worry hr had bubbled up inside him.  The fears that he had held for all of His Omega's pregnancy came to a boiling point. 

"It's going to be okay," Takeda whispered and gave his Alpha's hand a slight squeeze, attempting to help him feel less worried. Ukai felt some guilt rush through him as he realized it should be him comforting Takeda and not the other way around.

Joy pushed the bed into the survival room, where DR. Shins, along with a few other nurses and a pediatric doctor, were waiting. This was the moment that it all sunk into Takeda that h would finally be able to meet his babies.

A set pair (Omegaverse) PT. 2Where stories live. Discover now