Chapter 54

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"Explain again why we need to release her." Kol asks irritated that mother has to be released at all.

"Because, she has the spirits on her side, and she'll be released one way or another." I place my grimoire down on the coffee table for him to go through. "Besides if I don't do this, Bonnie will have to open it." My eyes dart to the Bennett witch, she would be willing to do it if asked. "But its not an option. Bonnie isn't going to be involved in Original business."

Witches involved with the Mikaelsons always end up dead. Kol closed the book with the utmost care. "Why don't you just siphon the spell away?"

"Its an old spell, I don't know if I can handle that much power in my body. If it were that easy I would have done it already and we need a plan for after we release her. Because she can come back if she dies, we need a way to stop that from happening." Kol rubs his hand over his face. "Let me do more research before you do anything then. In the meantime,"he hands over an envelop to Bonnie. "See you tomorrow, Bonnie. Save me a dance darling."

He speeds out of the room before I can curse him for being an ass. "What is it?"

"Its an invitation to a Ball hosted by the Mikaelson family."

"Oh God, of course they're throwing a ball."

"You mean to say we. You're a Mikaelson after all."

I roll my eyes at her. "Of course, we're throwing a Ball...will you be my date?"

Bonnie tenses for a moment as she considers my proposal. "As friends of course." I quickly add. "Yes, I'll be your date."

I smile fondly at her, how had I never noticed his massive crush before it seems so obvious now? Great.

"Wait. I have nothing to wear." A panicked Bonnie runs her hand through her hair. "Don't worry love, I'm sure we can find you something to wear. I mean I am a Mikaelson, wardrobe is literally a superpower."

The mansion is chaos when I arrive. At least 20 people rush around to get the place ready for a ball. The floor is being shined, the chandelier is being cleaned even the walls are being repainted. "What the fuck?"

"Ahh sister you've made it back in one piece? The Bennett witch well I'm sure." Nik greets me. "Yes, but what the fuck is going on here? A ball Nik, do you think now is the right time for a fucking ball?" At this point I am red in the face. "Calm down love, don't you think we need a little bit off fun?"

A man bumps into me almost spilling paint on me, Nik doesn't miss a beat and has the man against the wall with a hand around his throat. "Apologise to my sister." He says with a dangerous smirk. "Nik let him go." I pull on his arms but his vampire strength doesn't allow me to do much damage. "Nik he can't breathe."

"I'm sorry." My brother lets the man go and he scurries away. "God you're awful and an idiot." I want to feel irritated, but he is a vampire. This is in his nature, and I shouldn't judge him for how he reacts. I've been away for hundreds of years maybe this is just his way of making up for lost time. Or maybe his just afraid for my safety as I'm more breakable than he is.

He places his hands on my shoulders smiling fondly at me. "And you're my twin sister so I hate to break it to love, but I runs in the family."

"Perhaps we do need a little funny..." I mumble walking to the kitchen to get a drink.

" I mumble walking to the kitchen to get a drink

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My book is #9 under vampirediaries!!!!!

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