Chapter 46

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"Rebekah let me have at it." A man whines. I look around, I'm in a cave. It feels familiar.

"Quiet Niklaus. I'm to have my concentration if I'm not to slice off a finger." Says a blonde while carving something into the wall of the cave. I'm in a vision I realise.

"Father will not like you handling the blade." Says Niklaus with a sad look on his face. His tone suggests that he does not get along with his father.

She slowly turns, dangerously. "If I want to wield a blade, I shall wield a blade." Says Rebekah, with much sass. "Father need not know." She concludes once she continues carving.

"He will find out. He always does." He relents on.

"That it because you always tell him." I speak. Or rather the words fall out of me.

Niklaus turns to face me, keeping the fire high enough for us to see the wall with the carvings. "I can't help it. He frightens me."

Rebekah sends me a look. It feels as though this is something we do often around Niklaus. Stepping away from the wall she stands in front of him. "He frightens us all. That is why we stick together as one." Her eyes find mine. "Always and forever."

"Right traitor?" this causes him to smile a bit.


"Here you finish I'm to help mother with the meal."

"Yes, go tend to dinner. Leave the blades to the men. Little sister." Now he's done it.

The blade is pressed hard into his hand in retaliation. "Urgh Bekah!"

"Its just a little blood." She says, "Be a man about it." I finish for her and then we're leaving the cave.

I wake with a fright. Its not that this hasn't happened before, yet each time feels the same. I feel like a part is missing in my head. And each time I have a vision, that hole becomes smaller. Like a puzzle piece falling into place. Only I haven't had enough pieces to understand the picture yet. It still a mosaic of random visions. The only clear connection are the people.

Checking the time, I groan out loud. Its 2 am, which means I'll be cranky without my beauty rest. Not the best timing as Jeremy arrives tomorrow.

After a week of relentless badgering, they finally caved and with the help of Slater I had everything set up.

They didn't know it yet, but they were already set up for life. I transferred all of my own inheritance to a bank account in Jeremy's name on top of his own inheritance. With a financial advisor already hired so that he doesn't waste any of it. Plus, a trust fund he'll have access to when he turns 21, because Elijah has a limitless back I thought why not. I'm sure he won't miss a couple millions.

I did the same with Jenna and Ric. They'll only get the notification after I left, this way they cant kill me and try to give me the money back. Or the properties currently in their name.

They've had a hard life. I think they deserve this.

Walking into the kitchen I expect to be alone, but I find a very tired Ric. "Couldn't sleep either?" he asks, and I roll my eyes. Because isn't it obvious?

"Why are you up?" I question, while pulling out a bottle of water.

He hesitates, looks left and right before leaning in and whispering the words that send me into a complete frenzy. "I'm going to propose to Jenna."

The bottled water almost drops out of my hand. Immediately I grab him for a hug. Then launch into a million questions, Caroline would be proud.

But not of Ric for his awful planning. The man didn't even have a ring or an idea of how he was going to pop the question. Which was absolutely unacceptable.

So, I make it my mission to help me. He's going to hate me after all this planning because I'll be channelling my inner Caroline.

Its been weeks and he has yet to pop the damn question. Each time I bring it up he gets cagey about it. Even after Jeremy got involved to help. We're both at our wits end with the former hunter.

The ring has been bought. Its perfect for her. Something simple but unique and it just screams Jenna Saltzman.

School started already and I have yet to leave

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School started already and I have yet to leave. I threaten not leave till he proposes but it hasn't been as effective as I thought. Luckily, I found a way to do my schooling online. By that I mean compulsion has become my new best friend.

Besides that, they don't need to know I'm still hiding out here because Elijah hasn't contacted me yet. But I know that he will, very soon.

My witchey senses tell me so.

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