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Hi hi

Just a quick PSA things are going to get weird from here on out. By that I mean that I'm hoping to divert as much as possible from canon.

I love TVD and TO but it gets to angsty and the wrong people keep dying. Anyways I want to try and create my own story line from here on out.

I have an idea but I'd like input.

So questions:

1. Do you want the book to move over to New Orleans?

1.1 If yes, do you want it as a sequel or not?

2. Should Ivy patch things up with Elena?

3. Do you want Hope to be in existence?

4. Klaroline?

5. Enzo still needs to be saved, so how should I do that? Should I even do that? Or should he not exist?

6. The Martin witches are still alive. Do you want them in the story again?

7. Should I free Kai?

Personally I think Kai, Kitty Kat, Kol and Klaus would be a dream team for destruction. It's a shame they never got to meet...

8. Other. (Any other suggestions you may have)

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