Chapter 14

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Dear diary

Bonnie was possessed by her witch ancestor Emily. She revealed that she saved Katherine along with 26 other vampires. They are locked in a tomb under the church.

Damon tried to kill Bonnie. Not only that but in a fit of rage, he threw me like a rag doll. I have bruises on the all along side of my body. Apparently my injuries weren't in need of vampire blood that can heal me.

I haven't spoke to anyone yet and I'm to afraid to. Things just keep getting scarier around here and I for one can't wait to get the hell out of this town. It feels cursed...

Oh did I forget to mention, when Damon threatened to kill me (yes he threatened to kill me) Emily said that it's not my time and that he can't get in the way of destiny. This is the second Bennett witch to say something of the sort. Perhaps I should ask Bonnie if she knows anything.

I stop writing. There's too much to unpack, to much to write. I wish I could talk to Elena and just explain how I feel. I wish she would understand that I want us to be safe. It seems that safety comes at a price, which we clearly learnt from Emily. The only question is... am I willing to pay that price?

I get out of bed. I overslept and my body knows it. Usually I'm awake, I'm aware but I just feel slow. I've probably rubbed my eyes into the next universe and what's up with all of the yawning?

Knock knock. "Come in." I say turning to face the door. It's Elena, she walks in with slumped shoulders. She avoids looking at my face.

"Morning, I am um. Well I wanted know. Check up on you." She whispers. I slight blush starts to form on her cheeks, she keeps fidgeting. She's nervous.

"Don't be nervous. You're only talking to you sister." I roll my eyes. "I don't bite." I say clenching my jaw.

She gasps, finally looking at me. She steps forward and hugs me. I find myself hugging her back.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." She whispers into my ear. I don't reply and just stay in the moment. It's nice being comforted.

Once she left my room, I wash up and dress for the day.

I haven't spoken to Jeremy much lately. Maybe I should bring him some coffee.

As I'm about to go downstairs I notice his room door is open and he is drawing. Wait! He's drawing again. I silently jump for joy. He hasn't drawn since our parents died.

I've always loved his sketches, I have many of them on my wall. I want to go into his room but I don't think it's a good idea. I don't want him to put it away. I slowly walk away from his room, going downstairs.

"Yours leaves and mine returns." Jenna sighs.

"Logan?" Elena questions.

"Morning. Hey Jenna, you should be careful who you invite into the house. There's been um crazy things happening around town." I lock eyes with Elena. "I hope you didn't invite Logan in." I grab an apple and bite into it. It's so juicy and sweet, I moan softly.

"I didn't let him pass the door. I slammed it in his face."

"Three-strike rule, Jenna. You're not even allowed to watch the news." I nod my head in agreement. He shouldn't get a second chance in my opinion. I turn my attention to Elena.

"So when do we leave." I ask and try to be nonchalant as possible.

She turn her head so fast I'm sure she has whiplash. Her eyes widen and a smile starts to form.

I feel a slight blush on my cheeks. Asking for a ride shouldn't be this exciting.

"Umm 10 minutes." She's still smiling.

"It's just a ride calm yourself woman. I'll just go get my bag." Walking up the stairs, I feel a slight smile coming on.


I feel like I spend 80% of my time at school. This place is like my second home... well that thought is depressing. Well it's depressing until I remember that Ric is a teacher here. Talk about eye candy.

"Hey Ivy."

"Not eye candy...wait what." I frown. Was I really that deep in thought about a teacher?

"Ooh Kay then. We were just talking about Caroline and Matt when you got this far away look. Are you okay?" Elena asks.

"Yeah. Wait Caroline and Matt as in 'CarolineandMatt' or Caroline and Matt?" I ask cocking my head to the side.

"The former. They're together I guess. She needs someone nice like him, as opposed to a homicidal vampire like Damon." Bonnie replies.

Just the name send a cold chill through my body. Someone I once thought of as a friend. He called my beautiful but I feel so betrayed now. All I am to him is a weak human, a play thing.

I shake my head, hoping my thoughts would disappear. "I know it's a touchy subject, I'm sorry Bonnie. How are you with this whole situation?"

"Sorry I have to go to class..." I ran like hell. If I don't talk about him, it won't be real. He won't be real. Yes, I just need to forget and ignore everything to do with Damon Salvatore.

I walk past a flyer. I finally slow down to take a look. A distraction is exactly what I need. And this flyer is perfect. It reminds the students that tonight is the career fair. Can't wait...


I've always wanted to be a doctor. Even since I found out that my dad was one. I had a good relationship with both my parents.

They should be here! It's so unfair that my family had to be broke apart like this.

I thick I should leave. Heading for the door making sure that no one sees me. After all I already know which career path I'm taking.

 After all I already know which career path I'm taking

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Hope everyone is well

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