Chapter 27

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"Concentrate!" She snaps.

I can only imagine what we look like. Two girls in the forest, holding hands. It feels a bit strange. "I'm trying okay." I groan.

This is frustrating. How does Bonnie make it look so effortless. I lit a candle and that's about it. We've been practicing in secret but I haven't made much progress.

"You are not trying hard enough. Don't just think concentration, actually do it and feel the magic build within you. Be one with nature." I nod, I think I understand.

I pull away from her and put my hands to the ground. I'm looking for a pulse, any sense of life. I breathe deeply and reach within myself. I feel the magic swell, like a dam about to overflow and when I feel the walls start to crack that's when I feel the electricity course through my body. Every fibre lit up with excitement and glee.

Then the pulse beats against my finger tips. My eyes are closed but I see clearly. The bird resting in its nest behind me, I feel it.

The walls of my dam are under pressure but it feels amazing to be so close to nature. The air smells sweeter and lighter. The grass softer and willing to give its life to me.

It's like a voice telling me I should take it. The life thriving wants to be snatched up by me. The bird, high up in the tree. That's what I choose. I see a link start to form between us, connecting us. I pull as hard as I can on the link with my mind.

The moment I do, I feel the essence of its life enter my own. It's not large but it feels amazing. I feel like I'm glowing. Maybe I should try the tree next—" Ivy? Ivy!"

Bonnie shakes me out of my trance. " killed that bird. How did you do that? You didn't even speak."

I killed the bird? No I couldn't but it makes sense, I felt it's life in my body.

It fell out of the tree, it didn't move. I get up and make my way over to the tree. If I could take it could I return the life I stole?

"I'm sorry little bird. I didn't mean for that to happen." I closed my eyes and imagined the link between us grow again. Finding the life force within I pushed some of it back to the bird. No less and no more then what I took.

I felt the warmth radiate from the bird. It flaps it wings and starts to fly. I open my eyes to find Bonnie looking at me with her mouth open.


"I can't do that." She says. I just shrug and gather my things.

"Today was productive. At least the bird thing was progress don't you think?" She nods. We hug and I leave her in the woods.


I got a message from Ric to meet at school today. He said it's urgent, so like an idiot I showed up.

I walk in and find the mystery gang. "Why am I here?"

"Please sit Ivy." Ric ask calmly, he looks anything but calm. I take a seat on his desk and raise a brow waiting for an objection from him but he only sighs.

"I saw Isobel last night."

"Fuuuck." I blurt out.

"Isobel is here?" Damon ask. Didn't he just say that moron?

"What does she want?"

"She wants to meet us." She looks to me expectantly, as if I should know what she means.

" 'Us' as in me and you?" I don't think I want to meet her.

"Alaric is supposed to arrange the meeting." Stefan comments. I notice Damon glaring at everyone then turn to stare at Elena.

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