Chapter 40

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"Are you insane!"

"Don't you –aahhh"

The door swings open. "Hello again angel." I say licking my lips. The angel has come to visit me again. "I'm ready to —"

"Ivy it's me, you idiot. I'm taking you to my grams okay."

What a nice angel. Showing up as my friend. "Can you stand for me?" but I can't even move. I pass out by just sitting up.

I don't know how she did it, but I find myself in the Bennet residence. "Hey how are you?"Bonnie asks as she brings me something to eat. The bowl is placed before accompanied by a look that suggested I better eat or there will be hell to pay.

"My head is throbbing. And I had the weirdest dream about —"

"An angel? Yeah, you kept mumbling about it in you sleep." Great so now I talk in my sleep.

My neck and face heat up in embarrassment, but Bonnie ignore it. "I need to get to Elijah. Please."


"I can't explain it." She glares at my bowl then at me. Reluctantly I put a spoonful in my mouth. She visible relaxes a bit. "I just know that I have a connection with him. It feels wrong to know what they did to him, and I havent helped."

Her expression is unreadable. Like theres a wall between us. Was it something I said? "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Her tone is clipped.

I'm so confused but maybe she needs time. Maybe shell talk to me when she feels more open. Either way I cant push the subject.

The meal tasted like sand in my mouth. Probably because I havent brushed my teeth yet. Bonnie seems upset about something and yet she watches until I finish.

"Thank you, Bonnie. Youre such an amazing friend." A frown is the only response I get while she takes my plate.

Needing to gather my strength, I fall asleep again. Tomorrow is a big day for me. Elijah is waiting for me; I can't let him down.

"Bonnie, you better let me the hell out of here!" I shout from the door.

Being locked in this house aggravates me. How dare she put a boundary spell on the house? "Are you going to do something stupid like try and undagger Elijah?" she questions me calmly while packing her bag for school.

Getting up this morning was difficult enough. All I want is to save my friend from the idiots known as the Salvatores. They can't be trusted with anything.

I'm a witch for Gods sake. This shouldn't even be a problem for me.

Bonnie takes my silence as an answer. "I can't  let you do that. This is for your own safety. I'll be back after school with all the homework. And I'll take care of the teachers, so you don't need to worry about that."

It's been a full week now. The rage and betrayal I've felt has reduced but not completely gone. Instead, resentment has taken its place. But I can't feel that way towards Bonnie. In all of this, she has been the only person to care about me. The only one to try and protect me but I fear that she is that nice of a person. Maybe she would do this for anyone.

Regardless each morning I wake up early to make her breakfast and coffee. We talk about everything except addressing the elephant in the room. And its a good thing she has a spear bedroom or else this would be even more awkward. Sleeping in the same bed for a week feels to intimate. I can't focus on those thoughts because Im to worried about Elijah. Surely, he doesn't feel pain right not, but I fear he might hate me for not helping him at all.

"Bonnie its been a week. Let me out." I start. For a week straight weve been having this argument. "You know I can't."

"What if I didn't try to undagger him? What if I just stayed out of all of this? Would you let me go?" The room is met with silence. Bonnie had to think about it. That much was obvious, but it still hurt that she would just let me out. "I can't stay here forever. This is not how you protect someone."

"This is how you keep someone prisoner." I went to my room, not be able to hear her say no again. She was supposed to be my best friend. I can't help but wonder if this is to protect my sister. Protect her from me anyway.

Because I am so destructive. I ruin everyones plans to keep her safe. I guess someone has to be the bad guy. In this moment I don't mind. They can delude themselves into thinking they are the good guys, but I know better.

And I'm not afraid to show them I like being the bad guy.

And I'm not afraid to show them I like being the bad guy

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Which were you fav ships from the show? Mine were :

I will take no criticism on this. They should have been endgame🥲

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