Chapter 52

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Quick A/N
I made up the spells. It's not actual TVD spells and I used google translate soooo yeah. Long chapter 💃🏽

I had had enough of my family for the morning. They were all either hovering or discussing my parentage. But I needed to find Nik before he did something stupid, like kill the towns people.

I find him at the grill. Already tipsy. And his talking to none other than Caroline Forbes. Who I haven't spoken to in a while. I expected to be annoyed with her presence but in actuality I didn't care. When did that happen?

"Okay you're done." I say taking his drink out of his hand. "I'm older."

A smirk pulls at my lips. "By 2 minutes." And his smiling back at me now. The brother I missed is still in there. But right now, he's still hurt by the news and trying to deal with it as best as he can. Before we would go to the lake and just talk, I'd braid his hair and teach him how braid my hair in turn.

Caroline looks between the two of us with confusion. Right, I forgot that the Mystic Falls gang doesn't know who I really am. I'm sure the familiarity with which I'm talking to Nik freaks her out. "Hey, have you heard from Bonnie?"

My smile instantly fades. "Thats the first thing you ask me?"

"Come on Nikki, lets go."


"Yes Caroline. Nikki. I suggest you leave now I have to take care of this idiot. And you can quote me on that when you report back to the Salvatores. Because lets face it, you're they're little bitch." Grabbing my brothers hand I walk out there. I'm not sure what she makes of the situation. I wonder if she'll guess right.

I put the hybrid in the car and drive off. The lake we used to go to doesn't exist anymore. Instead, I take him to the clearing where the ritual happened. I felt the magic in the air and knew instantly this is where he did it. This is where he released himself. "What are we doing here?"

"Phasmatos tribum cantus prohibera."

In my arms he straightens immediately. "Why would you do that?"

"I don't want to talk to you while you're drunk."

"Fine. Whats there to talk about?"

"First take us there." I point to the edge of the cliff. He grabs my arms and follows through on my request. Already blindly trusting me. I sit down on the edge and beckon him to do the same. I see my brother fight the urge to pull me away and drag me off to safety. "If anything happens you'll be there to save me. I'm not in danger." I plead hoping to get him to relax.

I turn away, looking at the view. He sits down next to me so that our shoulders are touching. "I watched you. I watched over all of you."

"What do you —"

"The first time you met Katherina I shouted on the other side that it wasn't the right time yet. I tried warning you but it was of no use. When I came to, years had already passed." I cringe at the memory and hope he didn't catch what I was implying. "I watched you taunt Picasso into cutting his ear. Lets not forget how The Starry Night is actually yours but you felt too vulnerable to claim it. Because you painted it on my birthday, tears rolling down your face." I smile sadly. "And don't get me started on Marcellus. Really Nik what on Earth were you and Rebekah thinking." I throw my hand up in the air.

"When you said watched, you meant literally?"

"Thats what I admire about you, not just a pretty face."

"Oh, shut up." He nudges my shoulder with his. "You should paint this."I start. "This view," I point to the horizon as the sun colours the sky, "to commemorate my return."

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