Chapter 53

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They were stunned into silence. Not even moving a muscle. "Thats not possible."Rebekah answers. "How could you have..."

As they have carried shame and guilt, so have I. A secret between my parents and myself now for all to know. Even the spirits were fooled. "Mikael approached me and said that I wouldn't do the spell...something bad would happen. And I was still heartbroken over Henrik. I just—thought I wanted to keep everyone safe." I shudder at the memory. "But then I started the spell and it felt wrong and right somehow. It was like I was meant to do it, but nature was completely against it."

"So, father made you, do it?"

"Yes, I guess you could say that, Finn."

Again, I reach for the wine without the glass, but Elijah stops me. "I think you've had enough."

"Well I need it for the lashing you're all about to give me."

"We're not." They all say together.

"I don't understand. I'm the reason you're like this. Its my fault."

Kol slams a hand on the table. "I thought you were the smart one. Clearly not because this isn't your fault. Those two people who claim to be our parents manipulated you. All you did was try and keep up safe." He reasoned but I could fully believe him.

They tried reassuring me with smiles, but it wasn't work. Nik pulled me into a hug and still I felt guilt crawl under my skin.

The room began to shake. A crack in a window drew out attention. Checking the time, I saw we had been talking for 20 minutes. "Times up. " I announce. "You can not breathe a word of what was spoken. The spirits don't know I'm the Original witch. Otherwise doesn't even matter. They just can't know."

"Bus spiriti a nos protge tribum phasmatos."

The spell breaks at my behest. I didn't want the spirits to ruin the house.


My phone goes and I see its a text from Bonnie.

I'm at your house making tacos.

I instantly smile. She brightens my mood without trying. "Who is she?"

Kol teases seeing my blushing form. "No one, I—wait. She? How did you know it was she?"

"You're our sister, of course we know only a women could get a reaction like that from you."Finn replies in a nonchalant tone. "Astrid". Kol says with a smirk.

Its like coming up for air after being under water to long. They wait for the light bulb to go off in my head. "But I never said—"

Rebekah squeezes my shoulder. "You didn't need to."

But now I wanted to. "I'm gay." I whispered knowing they could hear but testing how it sounded on my tongue. "I like women." The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. I never was attracted to the boys at school. It always felt wrong, the only person to remotely make me feel something was Damon but even that did feel right.

Then I thought of her. How she always reminds me of an angel. How nice her skin feels under my touch. And her warmth. God she was so fucking warm. "Bonnie." My words come out breather then I wanted it to. "Her name is Bonnie Bennett."

I just came out to my family, and I felt more liberated then I've ever felt before. A weight has been lifted off my shoulders. "Whats got you smiling so much?" Bonnie asks as she places a plate in front of me.

Wow she is so caring.

Its this thought that has my head spinning. Because it's made me realize something thats already obvious to my family. I like Bonnie.

"Just something with my family." I say. I spilled my guts immediately when I came into the house. She wasn't fazed when I told her I was the Original witch or the fact that Nik is my twin or even when I cast the same privacy spell I did with my siblings. This gorgeous gorgeous girl just giggled and said, "That makes so much sense." And I've been on a high ever since.

I made her giggle. Fucking giggle. "Bonnie, I need to tell you something."

She placed her fork down on the table. "You can tell me anything."

Trying to be as confident as I can I finally say what I've been dying to say since I found out. "I'm gay." I watch her face for a reason.

All I see is her eyes widen and a slight blush appear. She looks away but places a hand on my arm. "Thats amazing." She says.

"Bonnie are you okay?"

"I think so."

"Really? Because your pupils are dilated. Your breathing has increased."

"You've just taken me by surprise."

"Okay" I say and start eating. I don't think its time for a confession. I don't even know if she feels the same.

"So, explain how your powers actually work." My brother, who just showed up here demands. I guess its my own fault, I raised him to be curious. "Well from what I can tell, I can syphon magic, but I have my own magic as well. So, if I ever need more it won't be a problem I guess, and it doesn't have to be from a magical source. I can take from any living being. The only downside I've that its like a drug and the more I do it the more I become addicted to it."

My hand covers my face. "It changes me in ways that I don't fully understand yet." Bonnie lurks in doorway not trusting my brother yet. Which I can't fault her for. He is unpredictable. But when he met her, he gave her a knowing smirk. I slap him on the head for that.

He cocks his head. Trying to understand. "But how did you even come to be like this?"

"The spirits did this. When they brought me back it left a darkness on the soul. Darkness that can't be removed and I don't know the full consequences."

I feel his hand on mine. "We'll figure it out together. No one is going to hurt you." With a serious tone that isn't in his nature. But then he does exactly what I expect. He smirks and raises his voice purposefully. "And I'm sure your little witch won't allow you to come to harm either." Again, I swat him on his head. "I swear at this point you're going to give me brain damage."

"Now where is mother dearest?"

"Now where is mother dearest?"

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Ball episode next and I am so excited.

Don't forget to vote.

And yes the spell is just backwards.

Also I really enjoyed this chapter because I didn't realize I was setting Ivy up for being a le dollar bean. But when someone commented about her being with Bonnie it somehow just clicked and I saw the story going that way. I mean the coincidences were to up in my face to ignore.

Also (last think I promise) she's been on the side for 1000 years right. I think there has to be consequences for her coming back the way that she did. AND there's stuff that happened on the other side idk if you guess caught on to that yet. So I like the idea of it having repercussions.

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