Chapter 7

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"Hey ma'am. I'm-"

"Ivy Gilbert... Bonnie's friend. I presume you have some questions?" Ms Bennett asked.

"Yes. I was hoping you could help me." I say. She opens the door wider for me and walks to the kitchen. I walk in and close the door behind me.

She stays silent while making some tea. "I hate to come here uninvited but I didn't know where else to turn to."

"I know child. I've been waiting for your visit. But I'm not sure that I can help you." She says handing the cup of tea to me.

"I have to know... am I a witch?" I ask her.

She sighs, then sips her tea. "I don't know. But I can tell you one thing. Your eyes tell a story. You've been cursed. That's why it's two different colours. That's as all I know."

"But I saw a vision of Mr Tanner's dead body. I touched Bonnie's hand and saw it. How do you explain that? I'm desperate for answers." I plead with her.

"Perhaps you're not human at all but I don't know exactly what you are. I'm sorry." She says sadly. She knows something else, I can feel it. She knows more than she's letting on.

I grab her arm. "You know more than you're letting on. Tell me!" I say looking in her eyes.

Blood. beasts. Vampires

I see flashes of vampires. I let go and the flashes stop. She's practically glowing with green energy.

"How did you do that?" She asks out of breath.

"I-I don't know. I have to go." I say running out of her house.

Are vampires real?


The animals attacks. Could that have been vampires? No, no way. Not to mention, apparently I'm cursed. No need to panic...right?

"I can confirm that a 12 foot puma mountain lion attacked a hunter and subsequently was shoot and killed." Says Sheriff Forbes on the news.

Okay so no vampires. But they wouldn't broadcast that on the news, they'd cover it up. With an animal attack?

I can't think it about all of that right now. I'll try and figure it out later.

"Scam ball. Scan bucket." Says Jenna to the TV. Mom told me that she left town because of Logan Fell.

"Hey could you keep it down. I'm making breakfast over here." I smirk at her.

"Who were you talking to?" Elena asks Jenna.

"Him." Jenna points to the TV.

"He's the reason Jenna left town." I say eating a slice of french toast. I turn the shocked faces of Jenna and Elena.

"How did you-"

"Mom, she um told me." I reply interrupting Jenna.

"The news guy? You and him? He's cute." Elena says.

"Also known as Logan "Scum" Fell. And he is not cute. There's nothing cute about him."

"I agree with Jenna. He isn't cute or attractive at all." I say. Elena sits down on at the table cleaning what looks to be old heirlooms.

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