Chapter 41

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With Bonnie at school, I have nothing to do. But today is different. I realized I've became complacent because for a while I thought that she was right. That maybe I should be locked up to save my sister.

No, even if I was a danger to her, I shouldn't be locked up for something I might do. So, when Bonnie leaves, I try to feel the magic around me. When I was in the forest that's all I could feel around me. It was suffocating but now I long for it. A breath of fresh air in the woods will do me good.

The magic is strong but what if I tried to absorb it like I did with the pain of Elena? My eyes close and my breathing slows. It like riding a bike, you never forget how to do it and your body just knows what it needs to do. This is something they can never take away from me.

I will always be a witch. And from now on I won't be held captive. Not by anyone.

With more force than I expected I absorb the spell, as if it were never there. My blood sings with the new power flowing through it. If I'm not careful I might get addicted to this feeling. That is a road I don't want to go down, no matter what.

Taking power like this needs to be a last resort.

The door opens with a creak but I'm a prisoner no more, so I step through the threshold. Ahh the sweet smell of fresh air.

My first instinct is to undagger Elijah. But knowing how that ended the last time I stop myself. So instead, I go home, I miss my bed and showering in my own house. You really don't appreciate what you have until you lose it. But I only make it to the door when I'm grabbed and stuffed into a car." Are you kiddi –"

"Isobel." I sit up straighter in my seat. "Just be quiet and I'll explain everything once we have your sister." I nod because what else am I supposed to do, she piqued my interest.

Elena fights while being shoved into the car. "Ivy how?"

"Doesn't matter." I snap.

We drive for a while in silence. Once the driver gets out, he opens the door for all of us. I get out immediately not wanting to be this close to my sister. "Just because you can't be compelled doesn't mean I can't force you to come with me." She threatens Elena. My sister holds out her hand for me but I smack it away. Earning me a glare in the process. Like I give a fuck.

We follow her in the direction of a gravestone. Looking around I take in the cemetery we're in. "So thats what happened? You're compelled to betray Katherine?"

I mean she deserves it.

"If I was, I couldn't tell you." She continues to walk, and we follow like little puppies. Or ducklings following their mom. Although we're not as cute or yellow.

"So, you lied. You did find Klaus."

"Klaus?" I weird feeling sets in my bones. Almost like recognition.

"He knows where I am now. Are you taking me to him?"

But it doesn't seem like it. She brought us to this place for something else. Not to deliver us to Nik –Klaus I mean. Weird.

Our mom bends down in front of a gravestone, wipes away the fallen leaves. Elena grows irritated with each passing moment.

Once the leaves are wiped away, I can read what it say. 'In loving memory of Isobel Flemming'

"This is yours?" I question sadly. Now I understand why we're here. She wants to make amends in her last moments.

"What is this?" Elena voices her question.

"My parents – you grandparents – they put it here when it become clear that the police weren't going to find my body. They visit every week and bring flowers. Even though there's no one buried here." Isobel explains.

I can feel the sadness and regret off her. "The Isobel they knew is dead. So maybe theres a part of me that's buried here, the –the human part, the part that I abandoned when I –when I chose to become a vampire, that part that used to dream about the day that she'd know her daughters." I can't help but feel her pain.

She certainly doesn't deserve my tears and yet they still fall for her. I'm not sure if it's my emotions are hers. The line becomes to blurred to know. The tears are wiped away by her. "Don't cry for me."

"I know why you're doing this. I can't help it." I hold onto the hand thats cupping my cheek.

"Instead you got to meet the other part the part that would betray her own flesh and blood." Like I said she doesn't deserve my tears. But this moment is to heart breaking for me.

She will never replace my mom. But I will still remember her. Her memory will live on in us whether we want it to or not. "I always loved you. From the moment I saw you, Ivy, I knew you were special. I just never knew how much until I meet you again."

A ring pierces our little bubble. Turning away she answers her phone.

When she ends the call I know its time. "I'm so sorry. I was such a disappointment to you." Then she pulls her necklace from her neck. Leaving herself vulnerable to the sunlight. Dying a gruesome death, if her screams weren't evident enough. Her ashes fall where she should have been all this time.

My tears are dry by the end of it all. Elena doesn't show any emotion at all. She turns and walks away. But I grab her necklace, placing it with the one given to me by my parents. It doesn't match but I don't care.

We walk in silence. It gives me time to think. That could have been Jenna or Jeremy. They need to know everything. So they can't protect themselves from the danger.

At the front door she hesitates. "I'm going to undagger Elijah tomorrow." Then walks into the house like this day didn't happen.

" Then walks into the house like this day didn't happen

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Santa Klaus is coming to town.

Not much time now.

There's still time to vote.

This was difficult for me to write. Because i was sure how Ivy would be affected by Isobel dying.

Also don't forget that there's a curse placed on Ivy as well. This was something I hadn't thought through yet and it's biting me in the butt. If you have any suggestions let me know. I have so many ideas of what I want to do so I'm torn.

What would you like to see happen regarding the curse.

ALSO Ivy will be involved with the Originals one way or another. Trust me their paths are meant to cross. So do you think she'd be their moral compass or be more kill crazy than them because they would be bad influences on her. Especially Nik and Kol.

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