Chapter 31

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"Look I'm sorry I ditched you last night." Bonnie sighs over the phone.

"Honestly, I don't care." I hold the towel around my body and balance the phone between my ear and shoulder. "You were in shock and Elena was right there." I trail off. "I'm not mad at her and it made no sense to me that shes apologizing."

"I'm such a bad friend—"

"Nope" I cut her off. "There will be no Bonnie slander in this house. You are the best friend I could ever ask for even if you aren't actually my best friend. God Bonnie." I stand still so that she has my full attention. "You need to give yourself more credit. You are quite literally the best person I know. The most amazing friend but you never look after yourself or your needs. You make sacrifices and its not okay. If it takes me my lifetime for you to understand that then it would be worth it." I sigh.

"You are worth it."


After my call with Bonnie, I call Caroline. Someone needs to make sure that she's okay.

We talked for an hour. I mostly try and reassure her that things will work out and that I've got her back. I know what it feels like to be alone, and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. At the end of the call, she lets it slip that Stefan will be helping with her new life as well as the fact that Elena won't be there.

You'd think that you if your best friend dies and comes back as a vampire, you'd want to help her. But no, Elena will be off somewhere doing whatever it is she does. I don't get more out of Care because she realized that she let it slip and wouldn't say more. Obviously, this makes me more curious.

I go to her room and find her with Stefan...shocker. She's packing a bag which means she's going somewhere. "Imagine my best friend dies and comes back as a vampire do I A) help her or B) leave her to fend for herself. The clock starts now." I send her a pointed look.

"Stefan which one do you think is the least selfish one." I give him a moment to think it over. "Trick question. Either answer from you would have been wrong because lets not forget that this—" I wave my hands in around the room "Is all your fault. If only you had left without getting to know Elena, we wouldn't be in this mess." I don't know where my anger is coming from but I can't stop now.

"And you." I point to Elena. "Where the hell are you going?"

I guess I'm just looking for a fight because she looks ready to slap me and Stefan looks guilty . As he should.

"I'm going to ignore that outburst and act like it didn't happen—"

"And yet it did." I reply.

"I'm going to find out more about the Lockwoods." She looks away and doesn't make eye contact.

"How and where?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"It doesn't matter." She says with such finality, dismissing me.

I scoff. "So we're back to keeping secrets again? Cool." I leave her room. Stefan grabs my arm. "Ivy I—"

"Let go of my arm Stefan." Venom dripping from my voice. I haven't forgotten how he threatened John. I pull my arm out of his grasp.

"I'm sorry. Everything I do, I do to protect Elena." He sounds remorseful enough, but I catch what he said. It's an underlying threat. 'I will do anything for Elena. Even if I have to go through you.' It also doesn't escape my notice that he only says Elena and no one else.

"Is that a threat Stefie?" An overwhelming sense of calmness washes over me like a wave. I cock my head to the side and snarl at him. If I don't control myself, I'm afraid I might to something really bad.

"It's a promise." He whispers.

His words send chills throughout my body, but not because I'm scared. No I feel my power answer his words. It feels like my body is inside a freezer. My heart speeds up and he smiles. Thinking he has scared me. If only he knew, I'm trying to hold myself back from ripping him a new one. I would probably enjoy his screams—

Wait no. I shake my head and I'm back to the present. No I wouldn't enjoy his screams. My eyes widen and I run.

I run out of the house and see Damon outside. Probably waiting for Elena. Would I enjoy him screaming in pain? YES! I know the answer immediately.

No, I can't be— this can't be me. I can't enjoy someone elses pain. "Woah little Gilbert." He steps in front of me blocking my path. Is that concern I notice flash over his eyes. No, it must have been a trick of the light.

"Don't act like you care." I have to say something for him to leave me alone. I need to be alone right now. "There's only one Gilbert the Salvatores care about. It's not me and it clearly isn't Jeremy. Hopefully, you're smart enough to guess who that Gilbert is." I push my way pass him but he pulls my hand so that I'm facing him now, he puts his hands on either side of my face.

I can't be this close to him. He killed my brother, but the moment his eyes land on mine, I feel myself calm down slightly. It's not fair that he has such an intense gaze. He wipes away the tears I didn't know where there. "What happened?" I shake my head. He snaps his head in the direction behind me. I take the opportunity while he is distracted and pull away. I turn around to find Stefan and Elena.

Stefan doesn't look like the person that just threatened me a couple of minutes ago. I can't take my eyes off him, and I feel my heart rate increase. I really want to slap that heroic look off his face. And if I stand here any longer, I might do worse. Damon catches the way I look at his brother. "What did Stefan do?" he whispers but I don't say anything and turn away from everyone. Never a good idea to turn your back on a vampire.

And again, I find myself running. I don't know where I'm running to, but I need to get away from everyone. Elena shouts my name, but I don't dare turn back. I don't dare show how weak I feel right now, nor the tears running down my eyes.

I didn't notice it before but I can feel myself becoming a monster. Something evil. And I must admit to myself that I don't care. I like how I feel.

I can feel myself slowly falling into the darkness and I can't wait to be fully submerged.

I can feel myself slowly falling into the darkness and I can't wait to be fully submerged

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