Chapter 43

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There's an awkward silence between Elena and myself. Is this the last straw? Is there where I draw the line?

If yes...why has it taken me so long?

Elijah arrives, if he is aware of what was said between us he doesn't show it. I think he might be a master at schooling his emotions. "You look good." I comment.

He nods a thank you to me and then focuses his attention on Elena. "So the Martin witches?"

"We don't know where they are. We were.."her eyes find me."...distracted."

"What do you mean distracted?" He questions.

"She means that when I found out what they did I went – for lack of a better word – berserk. Full on Jean Grey Phoenix." I giggle at the face he pulls. "I almost blow up the boarding house in my angry. Their solution was to sedate me and leave me in a cell alongside you. Meaning they were to busy handling me, that the Martins weren't really a priority."

There was a glazed sort of look in his eyes. It frightened be. "I won't hurt you Ivy." Seeming to read my thoughts.

"So you kept your own sister prisoner? It seems you are more like Katerina then you care to admit." Elena flinches at the mention of the vampire. "No matter. Whats done is done."But something tells me, he doesn't really mean it. As if he is planning something. I feel an underlying rage in him.

"Where is Katerina? She must have been released from the tomb once I was daggered."This was news to me, so I sat up straighter.

Actually, its interesting. An original can compel other vampires and it will hold as long as they aren't dagger. Thats one crazy loophole.

"Klaus took her. We think she may be dead."

Great Klaus is here and no one bothered to mention that to me. "I doubt that. Not Klaus's style. Death would be too easy for her after what she did."

To which I raise a brow. He sounds crazy.

They spoke a bit more about Katherine. It seems Elijah has his own score to settle with the vampire doppelganger. He tells us of how he introduced Klaus and Katherine.

It was for his birthday. "Happy birthday, brother."

Brother. The guy Elijah is trying to kill is his brother.

" I'm a little behind on the times, but I believe the term youre searching for is O.M.G." I like this sassy Elijah.

"So there's a whole family of Originals?"

"My father was a wealthy landowner in a village in Eastern Europe. Our whole family was human. Our origin as vampires is a very long story. Just know that were the oldest vampires in the world. We are the original family, and from us all, vampires were created."

"Right but if Klaus is you brother why do you want him dead if you don't mind me asking." I question. "I mean I understand the notion but I'm still cursios."

He laughs at my mumbling. "I need some air. I'm still feeling a taddead. Come" he gestures for us to follow him.

We walk along the massive pool. I won't lie, the Lockwoods have a beautiful home. Even if it seems like they're compensating for something.

Elijah address Elena after 5 minutes of silence. "So, as you've seen, nothing can kill an Original. Not Sun, not fire, not even a werewolf bite. Only the wood from 1 tree." He smirks. "A tree my family made sure burnt." I can tell he feels very proud of that fact.

"Thats where the white ash for the dagger comes from."

"Yes. The witches—" he glances and me for a moment. "—wont allow anything truly immortal to walk the Earth. Every creature needs to have a weakness in order to maintain the balance."

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