Chapter 2

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I've missed Bonnie so much. She's Elena best friend but she's not mine. We're just friends but it's nice to see any face other than a family members face.

The stupid bird is still on my mind and I completely zone out of the conversation.

"Ivy and Elena! Back in the car" Bonnie looks amused but I know she's worried.

I apologize to Bonnie for not listening but I say nothing else.

"I'm psychic now. Grams says that we're witches that come from Salem. I don't believe her but isn't that wild? I'm like put this woman in a home already" she says making a joke at her grams expense.

"I mean when you think about you did predict Obama and Heath Ledger. I think your Grams isn't crazy and is trying to tell you something. Don't take her for granted" I snap at her. I'm irritated that Bonnie would suggest putting her grandmother in a home for trying to tell her something.

I'm not cranky but she should be grateful that her grams is still with her.

Of course Elena being Elena will choose this moment to make it about herself by asking Bonnie : "So since you're psychic, predict something... about me." I roll my eyes at my sister.

Bonnie looks at her and says : "I predict-" before she can finish something flies across the window and scares all of us.

It looks like... a bird. But I'm sure it's not because that would be a crazy coincidence. Bonnie drives to the side of the road quickly and checks on Elena.

"Elena are you okay? Look at me please." Elena looks at me and I see it in her eyes. She's reliving the accident.

I immediately get out and open her door to pull her out of the car. I hug her and say : " Don't worry I'm right here. We're on our way to school. We're not on the bridge. Take deep breaths okay. ?" Elena crushes me in the hug. She's been getting thinner, I'll need to remember to cook more often.

Once I've calmed down my sister I ask Bonnie if she's okay.

"Elena are you okay? That thing, I think it was a bird came out of nowhere" my blood runs cold at the mention of bird.

"Don't worry, I'm fine-"

"Did I not warn you? Don't look at me like that"

"Okay don't worry Bonnie. I can't be afraid of cars forever" Elena says

Bonnie looks her best friend proudly and says
"I predict that this year will be kickass. All the sad and dark times will be over and you will be beyond happy." and Elena actually believes her.

I have the opposite prediction. I predict that this year will only be the start of sad and dark times.

The feeling of dread sets in my stomach. I know something will happen today but I don't voice my concern.

I leave Elena and Bonnie immediately. I need to find Jer, I need a hug from my brother and to make sure that he is okay.

Fortunately I have an excuse so that it doesn't seem like I'm checking up on him.

"Hey Jer." He doesn't see or hear me yet but I see him with Vicky Donovan. What is he giving her.? Fuck is this kid dealing!

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