Chapter 15

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Ring ring
Elena number pops up on the screen.

"Hey Elena-"

"She looks exactly like me." She says out of breath. I sit up on my bed.

"Who? Elena what's going on?"

"Katherine." She's running, the only sound I hear is the jingling of keys and her heavy breathing. She slams her door closed and starts the car.

"Okay look you're driving so you should focus on the road. Don't speed, I'll make us snacks and then we can talk. Bye." I end the call. Getting out of bed to make popcorn and find a good movie to watch.

1 hour later
I've called her multiple times. The popcorn is cold and I'm worried.

I decide to call Damon, he might know where she is. His phone rings and just the sound makes me nervous. We haven't spoken since that night.

"What's up buttercup."

I inhale sharply. "Do you know where Elena is?" I start tapping my foot, already impatient.

"Not even a hello. You wound me." He chuckles. I groan loudly. "She's with me. We're going on a road trip. I'll keep her safe."

"Damon let me speak to her!"

"Sorry can't hear you, you're breaking up bye."  He ends the call. I try calling back but this time he doesn't answer.

I dial Stefan but I'm distracted by a knock on the door. When I go to the door it's Stefan. I let out a relieved breath. "She's with Damon." I say before he asks.

He tenses up and his eyes narrow. I put my hand on his shoulder to try and calm him down. "Hey its okay, she can handle herself."

"I have to go. Bonnie can do a spell -"

"Okay look you need to relax. She's fine, we know where she is and who she's with. He won't let anything happen to her." I say. I want to add that I know Damon will keep her safe because he has feelings for her. I don't though because I don't want to stir up trouble.


Elena came back safe and sound...shocker. I was doing homework when she decided to grace me with her presence.

"Hey um. I'm sorry I freaked you out, I'm sure you must have been worried." she says. I look in her eyes and all I see is need. The need for attention. She doesn't realise that she's an attention seeking-whore but it doesn't help that people give it to her.

"Nope." I say and then continue with my homework. I knew she would be fine, she had Damon. Besides she's always so dramatic. It must be exhausting.

"What do you mean 'nope'?"

I sigh. "I wasn't worried about you. You were with Damon and I knew that he would protect you. If that is all, I'd like to finish my homework." Her mouth falls open.

"Close your mouth. You'll catch flies." I say and she storms off.

I feel guilty but I push it aside. Everything is always about Elena. No one ever worries about me, how I am doing or what I'm doing. It's not her fault but I can't help but blame her.

The only person I could talk to was Jeremy but we haven't be speaking much. And beside Jeremy, I had Damon. Damon who threatened me.

I think I could have forgiven him, if not for the fact that he is falling for my sister. Which means that some day, someday soon, I won't be enough. I won't be the Gilbert sister that he wants to spend time with. Already I can see it and it breaks my heart.

How stupid am I? To think I could ever be the center of someone's attention. Silly me, pulling practical jokes on myself.

 Silly me, pulling practical jokes on myself

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