chapter 27: pretending

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"Don't even think about it, it makes my skin crawl."A strange feeling ran down my spine. Leah didn't like the many outcomes I imagined for this situation.

Quickly reinforcing my protective spell, I wait for Tom by the exit door.

" Why not, he should have a girl for him," and I wish that for him. It would be easier for me if he was taken.

" He is mine," she replies.

" You are a wolf, he is a human and I get to decide over my body," still I can't stop the frenzy in my body each time he makes contact with my skin. Even his words have sometimes an effect, sending a sparkling sensation over my body.

"Stop pretending you're OK every time you see him around other girls. I can feel your skin crawl."

My body stiffens. Biting my inner cheek, I recall that she is inside me and can read my thoughts, could I really be falling for him? Unless I can master my spell and prevent her from taking over my emotions, I won't be able to know for sure.
" My life is too complicated, I can't get into an emotional relationship. I don't even know which emotions are my own or if I am just being confused by empathic senses." I tell her.
Getting used to magic and my wolf is my priority, followed by my family and my studies. Tom is at the very bottom. He isn't the priority.

Finally sitting in the car, he breaks our inner conversation.

"  What do you want to eat?" the car is already in motion.
We have a coded language now and tonight is one of those days where I need to be sure that we are not followed.
" I don't know, roll a little, I'll tell you what tempts me."

He forcefully smiles, and I know that he comprehends the meaning of my request. Keeping pretenses, I did some petty chatting about running from one side to the other of the archives and my feet. Until I was sure we reached the 30 miles an hour, only then did I breathe in relief. While moving, it is difficult to do a ranged spell or for a wolf to hear a full conversation. This was the only way to have a private conversation.

Looking one last time for any suspicious car, I finally relax a little. Overseen something I shouldn't have, and many suspicious eyes were on me after the incident left me paranoid. Finally extending my barrier to include Tom in it, Leah beats me to the chase.

" Hello Tom, did you miss me?"I shake my head annoyed by her.

"Always a beauty," he winks at me.

Rolling my eyes, I can't help the excitement filling my skin knowing well that she is the source ofit." Tom, do not encourage her. We have things that matter to discuss. Today something happened." I take a deep breath, bringing my thoughts back to where they should be. "A mother arrived with her daughter today. I couldn't hear, what transpired without risking Leah's security." I play with my hands as I continue. "The mother came out of the room and the little one stayed there. It was heartbreaking, she was howling in desperation. I swear she must have been 11 at the most and her werewolf had made itself known." My voice breaks. "She is 11! do you know how badly she was treated? They didn't care, they called in a response team, the little girl was terrified, jumping over the walls, it was horrible and the mother did nothing. The team overpowered the girl screaming for help. A help that wouldn't come. I couldn't do anything.  They took her to a van. It was heartbreaking, I nearly lost it until she was sedated. By the time the van arrived, I couldn't find the courage to remain there and went back to filing the archives. I stood there and let that happen!"

Out of breath, my heart is pounding while I press my hands together making my fingers crack.

It was a child. Why was she sent in that facility knowing that I was there? Was it a test?
They knew firsthand that she had the wolf since the mother delivered her child. She wasn't even treated into oblivion. It was in the report I filed later on. My insides twist at the thought of it, Tom grabs my hand.

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