"Okay but this same town still to this day uses the tragedy of what happened to his family to push some weird ass monster in the woods narrative? So it's not really in the past is it? You want me to ask my boyfriend-"

"Boyfriend?" Sheriff shaw interrupted but I just kept going

" If he's okay with coming down to the police department to put your minds at ease or so you can get some kind of medal, but I can tell you now the answer is going to be no. He hates this town and he doesn't want anything to do with any of the people in it. He's isn't squatting anywhere "

"Charlotte there is no need to be so defense.We just need to confirm he is who he says he is, he's been presumed dead for years so we just need to clear that up. Like you said he's a grown man and doesn't need you fighting his make believe battles for him." I bellowed his face turning red with anger.

"Let's all calm down. Ms. Monroe sheriff Shaw is correct, Mr. Mathison has been declared dead for years and we need to clear that up. We do not want to hurt him or cause him any trouble, we just need to confirm he is who he says he is, not to mention with him being the last in his family there are deeds and things that need to be taken care of." I nodded my head although what they were saying was making sense, it was just upsetting that Thor would have to dig up some wounds he had been working so hard on closing, but legally I knew it had to be done.

"Okay, I'll talk to him, but I don't think it's smart for Sheriff Shaw to be a part of the case. I previously dated his brother who harassed me after we broke up as well as illegally looking into my boyfriend's background."

Now you wa-" Shaw started but detective lundy held his hand up silencing Samuel.

"We agree, luckily we work for the state directly and we can get someone else to handle the city part. So if he'd prefer not to meet at the Hofsell station but somewhere else here is our card and just let us know we can meet him anywhere. Sorry for interrupting your morning." He got up and Ramos followed suit, I stared at Samuel who knocked on my table before getting up.

"It's okay, sorry for being a little rude. I would like to add it also cannot be officer Erin. I don't know her last name seeing how she had relations with my ex-boyfriend while we were still together." I added getting up and leading the men back to the front door, not missing the way Ramos and Luddy looked at each other with shock, yup some shiesty as shit fellas. I watched until they pulled out of my driveway, sighing when I could no longer see them. Everything was going so well for Thor and I.


"Okay so what do they want me to do?" Thor asked over the phone, it had been a couple days since the visit with the detectives and Smauel Shaw and although I wanted to speak to him in person I didn't want him to come into town without knowing. Although I didn't think the detectives would show up unannounced I couldn't trust the Shaw's to show up unannounced or worse to be watching me. After the shit Thomas did I secretly was always feeling like he was watching, obviously I didn't have any proof and was wrong but I still tried to be diligent.

"Honestly I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure they are going to try and match your dna to either old dental records if you have them or do a dna test to confirm your identity. After that, they're probably going to ask you a bunch of questions about your whereabouts; you can tell them as much and as little as you'd like."

He sighed, I could feel his tension threw the phone I really wish I would of told them to fuck off. "Okay, fine I'll do it. Will that asshole's brother be there?"

I couldn't help but laugh "No, I told the detectives that it was best that he and that woman Erin not be involved due my past involvement with Thomas. Did you want to do it at Hosfell PD or in the city precinct?"

""Lets just do the one in town. I've been talking to my therapist she's been saying I should try to itergret myself into regular life, and although I don't want to be around those fucking people it's where you live and I don't want to have to keep doing things and sneaking away from being with you in the dead of the night". I nodded. I knew Thor wasn't afraid I'd being in public but he didn't like socializing and he definitely didn't want to do it with a town full of phony ass people, and honestly I was right there with him. I was tired of getting dirty looks from people who once said hello to me because they thought they knew what happened between Thomas and I.

*********THOR'S POV************

"Mr. Mathison, thank you for seeing us?" The officer who announced himself as Detective Ramos said with a smile on his face, holding his hand out for me to shake but dropped it when he realized I wasn't going to shake it. I was still pissed that when Lottie and I got here it seemed like more than just the detectives and police were waiting for me, noisy as fucking clowns; most of them had the dency to be shocked to see me as if someone didn't let them know I was coming. I hated the way they looked at me like I was an animal in the fucking zoo and although I was thankful the detectives made them leave, I was still pissed Lottie had to go through that and the looks they were giving her.

"Miss Monroe, it's good seeing you too."

She smiled, holding my hand tighter "Hello, if it's okay with you, can we go to a room or something? Obviously there is someone in here telling people about Thor."

"We apologize about what happened outside. We plan to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible, unfortunately you will need to stay out here."

"No she's coming, she already knows everything and if it wasn't for her I wouldn't even be here talking to you." I started wrapping my arms around her waist pulling her close, the detectives looked at each other and Lundy nodded.

"Okay if you will follow us please." As we walked to a private room, I could feel all the officers' eyes on me. When I turned to look at one he even had his hand on his weapon I couldn't help but chuckle. When the door closed I could feel Lottie relax in my arms.

"Please take a set and we will try to keep this as short as we possibly can.Mr. Mathison, we are about to go through a lot of things and you have to sign a lot of things, and if at any point you need to contact a lawyer to go over everything we can assign one to you.' Ramos stated taking a seat in the chairs across from us, I nodded.

We spent a couple hours going over what had happened with my family, and what I had done after to survive and support myself. I led them to believe that I stumbled into Edward and Silas a few years when I was older and they took me in, I didn't want them to get in trouble even though Lottie let me know even if they could, the saturation of limitations was up. In return they were going to have me take a blood test that could match the ones they found at the scene, and if that came back positive they could move ahead with giving me a social security card and birth certificate.

"Well that wasn't so bad." Lottie sighed as we drove away from the police station, "but how do you feel?"

I sighed, reaching over and grasping her hands to keep myself grounded, I was feeling extremely overwhelmed, anxious and even a little pissed off. I told her that and we spent the rest of the ride back to her house in silence, and I was thankful. I needed time to think about what all this was about to mean, I was officially about to become a part of a society I wasn't sure I wanted to be a part of, at least this town I didn't want to be a part of. They wanted me to register my home address, which wasn't possible. I didn't know where all this would lead and what the next couple of weeks had in store but I knew if this was what I had to do to be with Lottie in public and not the shadows I would do it.



This is not where I wanted this chapter to end, but I didn't know where I wanted to take it. One day I hope to edit this to make it exactly how I want it but that time will come after I finish it. WHICH I REALLY REALLY REALLY WANT to do soon but yall the way this undiagnosed ADHD be kicking my ass. Anyways I'm pretty sure I want to start the next chapter off with some sexy smexy stuff lmao before sprinkling in some drama. I could probably finish this story within 10 chapters but to do so and feel satisfied with what I put out will be the challenge. Wish me luck, thank you for reading and interacting.

ALSO, thank you for all the love on the last chapter, I'm glad you guys enjoyed it! <3



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