Sick again

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I woke up in a random hospital. I looked up at the ceiling. And I hold out my hand, cause I know somebody is watching. So as my hand stick out the edge bed, somebody with soft hands grabbed my hands. I looked towards my left and it was donnie.

"Hey you" Donnie greet me
"Hey donnie. How are you?" I greet back with an small smile. I look so pale.
"Im doing fine. And you?"
"Im alive... And so is the baby" I chuckled
"Im happy, your both ok" He smiled big

I looked at the ceiling again and no light there and it's plain white. But I was wondering about something.

"Where is lucas?" I asked
Donnie sighs heavy and holds my hands tighter
"Something tragic happened" donnie reply
"Tell me. . ." I looked back at him, with no emotion
He looked at me with no emotions.
"Lucas went to go find the nurse to help you out from the ground..."

Lucas goes inside the nurse office and finds an nurse. "Hey, there's an girl name rosie kinlo. She must got sick or something! But she throwing up blood!" He yelled
"Oh my god! Two calls now!" Yelled at the other nurse "Where is she?!"
"Outside in the playground area! Where the benches are at! " He answered
The nurse runs outside and he runs to the other nurse that was on the phone and she looked up.
"Why you making two calls? Who else died in this school?" He asked
The nurse gets up slowly and breathes and shakes her head.
"What?" He got worried
"A-are you Jill's brother?" She asked

He hears the ambulance and the police already here. And he freaks out and runs outside. Once he ran to the main entrance of the school. He sees an body, inside the white sheets bag and he runs towards the body and the police stops him from trying to unzip the sheets.

"JILL!? JILL!? NOOOO! JILL!" He yells and tears runs down his eyes.

At the pool

It was Jill's turn to start doing her swimming test across the water. And she starts and all the means girls laugh but Jill not paying attention to them. The mean girl did dropped her phone again and the coach looks at the mean girl and yells at her. But Jill, was getting across the water pretty well. But then the water did get deeper. And she kind of panicked. She pushed her self hard thinking she was on time to get up from under the water. But she ended up hitting her head and her face at the edge of the pool and was drowning. And she was freaking out and trying to call for help, thinking everyone noticed but nobody did. Until coach noticed something was wrong. Donnie goes inside the water and pulls out Jill from under the water, but it was too late. She started bleeding from her mouth and nose and making an blood bath in the pool. As donnie keeps holding her with no emotion on his face.

"I feel so sorry" I said with an sad face
"I know. Which is why, Im going to pass it on" he smiles
"You know how to do it?" I smiled
"Yes, she is our innocent best friend. She deserves it"
"I couldn't agree more"

He kisses my hand and we both smiled.

The next day,
I went to school and everyone looked at me and gossiping about me. I walked towards lucas with no emotion. While he getting stuff from his locker and he looked at me with shocked.

"Hey? How are you?" He asked
"Good and you?" I asked
"Good, and the baby" he moved closer
"Alive and healthy. Thanks for the sandwich by the way. It was good" I smiled big
He looked at me scared and worried
"Yeah sure. So you don't remember?"
I got confused
"Remember what?"
He shakes his head
"Nothing... Im glade your fine" sounded like he didn't mean that and he closed his locker
"How did Jill go with her test?" I asked
He looks up at me with shocked in his eyes and he looks away tearing up.
"Look I gotta go rosie" he reply, and walks fastly away from me

I was very confused what had happened. But the truth is, I know exactly what happened. My belly did get a little more bigger tho, but I can tell lucas. Is not happy about the baby, he did lied to me. And I knew he would but let's see how far this may go tho.

I was sitting with Donnie across the table from him. Laughing and talking about random things. Lucas walks with another water bottle but hides it in the back and with me and donnie distracted by some high schoolers dancing in front of the cafeteria. Volunteering to do so. He switch my original bottle to the other bottle he hand in his hand and walks out the cafeteria, like nothing had happened. After the dancers was done dancing we clap at there performance. Which was amazing work. I got thirsty and I drank some of the water. And place it back down and talked to donnie about the performance.

But at last period of the day. I went to the bathroom and threw up some blood and I freaked out what happened to me. But I was done throwing up. And I wrap my mouth, flush the toilet and went back to class.

The next day I was fine. I was walking with my best friend who is pregnant. And she noticed I was pregnant. And it was her last day being here in school cause the baby is about to be due.

"Im going to miss you" I said
"Me too, but we got each others phone numbers. And we can chat what our babies look like and for them to have play time" she smiled
"I agree and promise" I smiled back as well but then as I was about to walk inside the classroom. I stepped on something slippery and I fell on the floor on my back.
"ROSIE ROSIE! TEACHER TEACHER!?" She yelled for help
I was unconscious and everything went blank. I couldn't hear or see anything.

I woke up in the hospital again. My eyes already has in adjust I looked towards my left. And see lucas siting on the chair sleeping and I smiled and looked at the ceiling and gets into character.

"HELLO!? HELLO!?" I started to shake in fear and holding my chest and feeling my stomach. Lucas did wake up from my scream and he gets in my face and covers my mouth, with his big hand and I calmed down.

"You are fine~" Says with anger and then uncovers my mouth and I looked at him with no emotion
"What's wrong with you?" I said with anger too "What are you trying to do to me?"
"I'm not doing shit, your doing the most shit. So don't even with me"
I sighed "What happened to my baby?"
He sits down in his sit.
"Your baby is alive" Said the doctor with an smile
Lucas looks mad, and he started to think and he gets up from his chair and walks towards the door and leaves.
"He doesn't seem to happy" She said
"Yeah well, ain't my problem. He did this too me" I answered
"You both wasn't careful?"
"I will say he wasn't careful" I looked at the doctor with no emotion

I went back to the school to look for donnie. He said he would be where the pool is. So I went inside the pool room and see the pool looks normal. I looked around and getting kind of confused.

"Hello? Donnie?" I looked around and no answer

I went to sit down. But ended up looking down at the water. So I got down on my knees and looked at the water. And I see myself, the reflection of myself with the blue lights under the water helping me see. I was so distracted looking at myself, my eyes did looked up and somebody was behind me. I gasp but the person grabbed my head and pushed my head under water. I was screaming under the water, asking for help so I pushed myself and the person to slip and fall inside the water. He let me go, I finally grabbed some air when my head was out the water. The person pushes me too the edge pulls my underwear down from under my skirt and the person tried to rape me again. But I figured and knew it was lucas. I laughed out loud and I smiled and smirk.

"I'm not in the mood lucas~" I said and moaned
"Just die already!" He yells at me
And push my head under the water and tried to drown me. But then he lets go of me. Cause somebody was grabbing him, and it was Jill drowning her brother. But I stayed under water. I know now the baby wasn't inside me anymore, but that doesn't mean the baby was died tho.

Jill let's go of lucas when he was done fighting and she grabs him and takes him out the pool and lays him on the ground. I get up from the pool, but I wasn't pregnant anymore. Jill looked at me and I looked at her and we walked towards each other with no emotion. We hold each others hands and walked out the pool room and gym room and going home finally. While lucas was still there on the ground damped and wet.

The next day-

Lucas wakes up but from his bedroom. And breathing very hard. He sits up fastly and looks at his damped clothes, the clothes he was wearing yesterday. And he looks at himself and feels normal, like nothing is going on. But then he had to throw up so he covered his mouth and ran to the bathroom, throws up in the toilet and he does feel nauseous. And even sweaty. He throws up again and again, two times, flushes the toilet and he feels weird. But doesn't even think about it, but he knows something is not right tho.

Good nerd girl presents: Rosie KinloWhere stories live. Discover now