Wrong moments

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Welcome back. It's rosie here, messing around with cole. So far he thinks im an ghost... Do you think im an ghost?

Well anyway, so far. He is very jealous about me being popular. But who do you think will win? Me or cole?

"Were going too vote to see who's most popular, Rosie or Cole" said kayla
"Around the school? Does everyone know rosie?" Said one of the girls
"They better know something"
"You think this is way too far?" I asked, while playing with my figures
"Not fair enough my sweet" Said another girl
I chuckle and laughed out loud, and they looked at me all strange. Cause I laughed like an psychopath, who did something wrong. And it's funny.
"What's so funny?" Kayla asked in fear a little
I stopped laughing and ended up chuckling. And looked up at them.
"Sorry, I was laughing about something in my head" I chuckled and then admittedly stopped laughing. Everyone chuckles too, and looks away talking. While I curly my hair with my figures and smiles very innocently and cute.

-School bell rings-


4:10 p.m.

Hey rosie

The votes are going too be announced for Tmo. Excited?

Very much but...

But what?

Everything good?

Whole thing getting on my nerves

What about cole?

His guys thinks i am an ghost

Let them believe

Your not an silly ghost

Your right😌

I know I am. Cole deserve it for what he did to me.

You really want him gone?

No, just to scare him.

Im not an monster

Let's text the group. I got an idea☺️

4:16 p.m.

The next day-
I didn't come to school which is friday now. And cole walks in the hallway looking at all the girls, being normal.

"Where she at?" Cole asked
"Idk maybe she at home?" Nelson reply
Cole walks to one of the girls.
"Hey?" She turns around
"Yes cole? Plz don't come closer"
"Oh shut up. Where your leader at?"
"Where who? What?"
"Your mother fucking leader!? Where she at?!"
"Im sorry idk what your talking about! All I know is that. You are the killer"
"Im the killer?" Cole is so confused
-The bell rings-
"See you in class. Don't be late" she said

The girls and rest of the students walks to class. And cole walks upstairs to get to his "classroom" and his friends looks at him, kinda worried about him and me, rosie. Cole looks around, to see if he finds me.

"Alright bitch come out!" He looks around "I said come out!"
He rolls his eyes, and sighs
"I see you over there!" He sees an black figure and stands waiting for it to come walk towards him
"Come on don't be shy!"
I touched his shoulders softly and he chuckles and turns his head around slowly.
"You see this-" he stopped talking after turning his full head and body around and falls on the floor scooting back from me. He turns around to see the black figure just still there and just standing there. I nod my head for the shadow to go. And so, the shadow goes. And cole looks back at me.

"What's the fuck!? Who the fuck are you!?" Cole yells and the principal stands behind him
"No cursing in my building cole!" She said
"Principal!? You see her right!?"
"Not this again. Class. Now!"
"You mean, you actually don't see Rosie in front of you!?"
"Can you go!?" She walks away and cole looks at me walking away
"Come tonight or else im coming your way~" I chuckled and started to laugh like an psychopath. While he is still on the floor, actually scared and shocked.

-At lunch-
Cole grabbed his food and about to walk to his table. I was there again, talking to my girlfriend's and laughing and giggling. Cole walks to his table with the boys and looks at them, with fears in his eyes.

"You see rosie right?" Cole asked
They looked at the table, and they shake there head no. And cole sighs and gets frustrated and looks up at them.

"Tonight were coming into this school" says Cole
"Why us?" Nelson asked
"Can you do me an favor for once?!"
"I always do you favors, I always do everything to make sure your satisfied!"

Everyone got quiet and looked at Cole. And he gets up and walks away.

-At the rooftop-
Cole starts to smoke his cigarette and trying to not stress out.

"Hey cole" I greed calmly
He turns around and takes out his cigarette out his mouth. And he is just in shocked.
"What the hell do you want from me? Money? Food? My popularity? What do you want?" Cole asked, finally stop playing games and I walked towards him and I looked at him with no emotions.

"Cole?" He looks at me "Why? Why do you do the things you do to be popular?" I asked, he stays quiet
"You gotta ask yourself. Why do I do it? Because it's cool? Because it's hot?... Why you mad at me? I didn't steal your fame. No, I was just being myself... And you wonder why no girls. Are with you. You don't do that to your mother do you? Have you done that to your mom-"

"OK!" He stops me. And I shut my mouth. "I get it ok?... I was in so much pressure during high school! I was always an shy kid! Then I learned that people will always pressure you too do many things. And I didn't wanna be an wimp anymore, so I smoked and had many sex and force things from people. So, I say fuck them asshole! And do my way! And I became an bully in this high school now! And nobody, can't take that away from me! Until your ass showed up, and I felt lost again, and an loser again!... But you don't know how that feels"

"Your right... I don't" I reply "Which his what I wanted to-"
"But now, imma kill you" cole got real angry and looks up at me with evil eyes
"Kill me for what?" I asked
"Because I am very tired of you! And I need you out my life!" He starts crying and he pulls me and kisses me on the lips and he drags me too the edge of the roof and he stops kissing me. And I show no emotion on my face, and I push him off of me. I smiled a little.

"I knew you wouldn't kill me. Even if you wanted too. I knew you weren't so evil. But let's see tonight you'll be..." I explained and walked back downstairs. And cole slaps his face for him too stop crying.
"Get your shit together" He breathes in and out and calms down "almost lost your shit"

-Around 12:05 a.m-
Cole and his minions break in the school building. And nelson holds coles hand, and cole actually holds his hand.

"Your scared of her? Are you?" Nelson asked
"I am..." Cole answers "I wanna kill her. But I don't know how too"

The intercoms turns on
"Hello cole and boys..." I started to speak "welcome back to school. You must be wondering why your here. I wanna see if your very capable of saving your popularity. Because that's very important to you, I am an "ghost" but to myself im not sure. So far the votes were in saying I am very popular. If you want it back, you have to play this game first. Not hard, but it is scary and it's very simple find rosie... And kill her. If don't kill her, maybe it's not worth it... If you... Well, you get it back. Besides I am an ghost right?... Let the game begin~"

-The school bell rings-
"Oh shit" Says cole with an side comment

Good nerd girl presents: Rosie KinloWhere stories live. Discover now