New poem: Soccer team

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"Soccer? I never really play soccer but I could give it an try" I said to myself. Standing in the hallway looking at this soccer try outs. This might be fun. Never really play soccer, but I like to try something a little new.

-The bell rings-
New day at school. I put my hair into an ponytail and walk inside the classroom, seating in the middle row. Like in the center. I can feel everyone watching me. Looking at me, as I got out the stuff I need for reading class.

"Check out. Hotty over there, looking at you" said one of the students talking to her best friend.
"Oh, I see him" She smiles
I looked up at the door, thinking that was an teacher. But it was an handsome, cute boy. Standing by the door and he looks at me and smiles at me. I smiled back, and wave at him.
"What she doing?" She asked
"Oh that's the new girl" Said the other girl
"Oh, wait an damn minute"
He waves back and left and I looked at the front until the girl slams her hands on my table. I didn't jump up, cause I could feel her coming towards me. And she did.

"Hey, Names mandy. What's yours?" Trying to act all sweet talk.
"Rosie. Rosie kinlo" I answered with an shy voice
"Rosie kinlo. Interesting name I may say. But you better watch your back" Said mandy
"Why?" I asked
"Because that boy is mine. I wanna make sure he's mine. And don't you forget it!"

I looked at her with an curious, confused face. "What if your not the one?" I asked
The class making comments behind me.
The bell rings, and she smiles and I just looked at her with no emotions in my face.
"You will regret, one day, you'll see" she threatens me
"No we should both see" I said calmly and looks down.

Mandy laughs and walks back to her seat as the teacher comes in the classroom. And class begins.

-After school-
I did sign up for soccer try outs. I walked towards where the other girls are standing. I see, I guess the most popular girl mandy. She must be the the teams captain, otherwise why she in front of us. She looks at me with an stink eye, I looked at her with an your boring type of eyes. But I don't think she get it.

She turns around and sees her man of her dreams. The hotty who I said hi too. I got in trouble by her, but who cares? Im ready to play already.

"Welcome!" The coach blows the whistle to alert everyone were about to start. "Welcome to the try outs. Im coach sydney. I been here for about 3 years now and we win every cup and trophy's none stop because of our best teams players I ever been with so. You guys turn and will also help you with colleges as well. So who's ready?!"

"Yayyyyyyyy!" Everyone cheered even me with an smile on my face. I looked at mandy. She laughs at me cause she think im bad at this. Which probably I meant be.
"Alright split into groups now! Come on pick an side evenly!" Said coach Sydney
I choose to go to the right side and it did look evenly to me. But the coach didn't seem impressed. She whistle loud in some girls ear and moved her to the right, so aggressively.

"This is better. Now mandy tell them what to do and what's there winning prize if they get picked" she said
"My pleasure" said mandy and walks into the center. "You all are going against each other. We will be watching someone who on there game. And who get the soccer into the goal. If you show some impressive stuff. . . You get to take my place and be captain"

Everyone started clapping and cheering and then mandy yells.
"OK!!!" And takes an deep breath
"But none of you all well cause if we see no impress moves before the time runs out nobody gets to be captain. You will just be the benches"
Everyone got quiet and I just looked at her like. Wow how rude can she possibly be. But let's go, I guess...

The coach rolls the ball to the person to start on the left side and mandy is standing there watching me mostly. I smiled at her, she wondering why I'm smiling even for. So the coach blows the whistle and I was ready. The left side of the team is blue and the right team is red. They gave us an shirt to know. And so the blue team was almost to the goalie. But one of my team member got the ball and actually pass it too me. So I smiled and made an big run for it. And so I kept running fast and everyone was trying to catch up to me and the blue team mate try to get the ball. She miss getting it. And I kicked it just in time and hit the goal net before the timer went off.

"What! NO NO! WHAT!?" Mandy yells in confusion and all her girlfriends even shocked how I did it. And I looked at them, but I looked at the boy. And he smiles at me and nods his head, like I see you. And gets up and walks out the field. The coach walks up to me and ask me with an rough tone.
"What's your name?"
"Rosie" I answer "Rosie kinlo"
"Rosie kinlo? Played soccer before?"
"No ma'am. First time actually"
"Then how are you so good?"
"I don't know"
"Hmm~" She put her hands on her hips and looking at me. Like she scanning me. "Ok, well your the team captain. Congrats!!"

Everyone cheers for me and give me high fives and and I smile at them. With so much support from them was amazing.

-In the girls locker room-
I was changing my clothes and someone was behind me and taps my shoulder. I turned around and its the boy who watched me, I have my bra showing. And I looked at him like he came inside the girls locker room. There's other girls around him changing there clothes.

"Hey, these are for you" Hands me the flowers
Every girl awww~ at me and him.
"Thank you" I said with an smile and smell the flowers
"Oh I am Nathan by the way yours?"
"Rosie" I reply
"Beautiful name rosie" said nathan
"Nate~ what your-" Mandy looks at the flowers and looks at Nathan and me. I can tell she was angry, jealous already. Specially. Because I have him now. I think.
"You really know how to play, I will see you around rosie" he winks and shoves mandy out the way and her eyes widen and she takes my flowers throws them on the floor and steps on them. Even her girls started to follow and steps on them. But I didn't cry, yell, or anything. I just stand there emotional less and cross my arms.

She comes close to my face
"This is not over. Imma win him back, I don't know who the fuck you are and think to take my place. . . But I will end you~"

Good nerd girl presents: Rosie KinloWhere stories live. Discover now