Poor girl

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... So I begin to pour the chocolate milk inside of her cup she brought. Me and kate talk to each other in 3rd period. So I know exactly what she likes and she smiles.

"Thanks rosie. That's super sweet of you" Says in an sweet voice
I winked at her, and the mean girls behind me starts walking towards me and I turned around when kate looked at them.

"What the hell, your not going to be in our squad" She said
"That's the thing... I never even asked, or cared about your group. It's not even that interesting if you ask me" I explain "Sorry go find somebody else... Or better yet. Stop picking on people. Cause you will regret later on"

I walked away and all they did was sigh at the same time and the leader snaps her figures to walks to there table. And donnie comes back, while I was going to the table. He brought me some ice cream.

"Your finally back" I smiled
"Yeah, I saw everything. You ok?" He asked a little more worried
"Im fine~" I smiled and he smirks and we sit back down at the table while he's bros come to seat next to us.

I walked down the hallway and stopped in front of mack. She eating her sandwich but she looks up at me.

"Hello? Can I help you?" She asked
"Nah... Maybe I can help you" I said, and I sat next to her and she scoots a little
"Help me with what?"
"With your channel"
Her eyes wide open
"How did you find my channel?"
"My baby sister watches your shows. She loves unboxing channels. Puts an little baby smile on her face"
"Wow, but you never had to do something for your little sister? Do you?" She says pissed, I stayed quiet "That's what I thought"

She gets up and turn around
"Look, I don't know you like that rosie... But you have an boyfriend. Great life... While mine sucks"
I stand up and walks towards mack with my hands behind my back. And I smiled at her.
"Not everybody's life... Is that easy mack. Sometimes... You just gotta learn to say no" I explained "If not... Your making your life more harder than it is"
"Think I tried? And nobody seems to listen to me"
"You tried? Tried what, to stop shooting the channel?"
"Yes! Why else rosie?"
"Im not you mack. Is just me, myself, I"

She looks down and then looks back up and she smiles.
"What if we trade lives? We kinda look a like"
"That's your plan?" I asked
"I wanna be you rosie"
"Is that your wish?"
"It is an wish... Because Im tired of my shit hole. But you can do my shit, and I do your luxury~"

I smiled and smirk, I put my hand out for her to shake my right hand.
"Go ahead... Shake my hand... This is your wish" I smiled
"It doesn't just work like that" She makes an sure smile
"You don't know who I am... So go ahead. Shake my head~"

Mack looks at my hand, and sighs... And she grabs my hand and we shake on it. But something strange was going on. The wind out of nowhere started to blow at us. I smiled at her and mack closed her eyes because of an strong wind and let's go of my hand. She covers her face, once the mystery wind was done blowing. She opens her eyes and I was gone, she looks around and up and down. She sighs but she ignore everything. I sat down in an seat in an small dark corner. I smiled and curl my hair with my figure. I cant wait to see what happens next... You?

Good nerd girl presents: Rosie KinloWhere stories live. Discover now