New poem: Baby on my way

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"I never went on an dating app" I said
"Me either" Said donnie "One time bros as but you know. Not my thing. I would fine an beautiful woman... She looks just like you"
Donnie never fails to make me smile big.

He kisses my lips, I kissed him back. He breaks the kiss, shows me some more photos of his life. And I listened and watch him. And falling asleep on his chest while waiting til 7:00 to go to school. Were siting on the bench. Were way too early to starts going to school. But nothing wrong being prepared... Right?

I take swimming lessons, I'm at the girls locker room getting dressed and some girls behind me cant stop body shamming me. But it doesn't bother me at all, let them talk all that talk.

"Wow, look at her, skinny bitch ass your so not pretty" The girls laugh with her
I changed to my swim suit and looked at her.
"What makes you think your perfect than everyone here?" I asked
"Who said it was only just me?" She asked
"Hey yo! Leave her alone. You ain't that cute when you have to take off your makeup!" Said a girl standing up for me
"Oh sorry. They are water proof" she chuckles and gets up and goes to the back.

While an girl walks straight towards me and stands next to me.
"Don't worry. She is nothing but... Nothing. But she probably look ugly without the makeup"
We chuckled
"Im Jill, Jill tan" she smiles
"Rosie, rosie kinlo" I smiled back
"Come on so we won't get into trouble" She pats my back and runs to the back. And I ran right behind her with an smile

Hours as passed and we are just playing in the pool. Jill keeps splashing water on me and I am just laughing with her and splashing back at her. She looks at me curious.

"Your eyes never closed when water gets in"
"Well, it doesn't burn me" I reply
"You wear glasses"
"So do you, I seen you wear before. But then you take it off for an special someone"
"Yeah... He doesn't like nerds"
"So? Own up to yourself. You should not date him. Date someone who you would love you for you"
Jill shakes her head
"There's nobody else"
"Then give it time"
I smiled even bigger and then stop smiling, cause Jill was looking above my shoulders and I turned around. And the mean girls just recording us and smiling about it. And I smiled back and looked back at Jill.
"Don't worry about it" I said
"I wish she doesn't post that" She sighs
"I said "Don't worry about it" ok?"
Jill nods again and again.

" Alright! Get out! You had your fun!" Saids the Coach and blows the whistle in the means girls ear and she drops her phone in the water
"NOOOOO! LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO!!!" She yells at the coach
And the coach blows the whistle again in her face this time.
"Idc! You shouldn't had brought it in the first place and left it in your locker!" She said

Then donnie swims towards the means girl and shows the phone to her.
"This is yours" he said
"Ugh! UGH!" She whines and snatch it out his hand and tries to turn it on
"Damn. Rude much?" He asked
And swim towards me and to get out the pool and we three walked to our locker while the mean girl is so upset that her phone dropped.
"Can't she just get another one?" The coach asked one girl
"Im saying" the girl agrees "her family is very rich she has like... A ton"
They walked inside the girls locker. While the mean girls panicking over an phone.

"Damn, you was right rosie. I owe you one, karma took over" said jill
"You don't owe me nothing of an sort, I just know bullies and people, how they are and how selfish and toxic people can be. Specially, once that plays with fire. Which to me they have many different names to say how they really are" I explained
"I get you 100%, I get you" she agrees
"So do I" Said donnie agreeing too
"I just know how to express the situation so" I smiled.

Jill nods and looks over Donnie's shoulders.
"Yo bro! Come here!" She said
I turned around and see an handsome guy. Very light and attractive. He seems like an nice guy. But looks like jill at the same time.
He walks towards us and sits next to jill and hug while siting down and jill seems so happy.
"Guys this is my brother lucas" said jill introducing him "And lucas, Rosie and Donnie. We just got back from swimming "practice" so yeah now where at lunch"
We chuckled while me and donnie didn't eat anything. But Jill been eating our food. Donnie gave her another chicken.
"Slow down Jill. We got nothing to eat at home?" Lucas asked
"No, I drank and ate everything ok?" She looks away
"Don't worry. I got plenty of food at home. You can even come by my house to eat, sleep, and drink all you like" I smiled
"Oh no, I don't wanna be an burden" She shakes her head no
"No I assist. Even your brother too and Mr. Donnie as well you can come over any time"
"Your very sweet rosie" Donnie smiles cutely at me. And I blushed a little.

And from the corner of my eye. Lucas as a little lust in his eyes. And even a little madness inside. And smiles like everything is normal.

"You two dating or what?" Lucas chuckles
"Well, even if we are. Then yeah if not none of your business of what we are" Donnie answers
I can tell lucas didn't like that. So he smiles anyway and looked at the both of us.
"Would you like to come over our house? Are parents ain't home so we do have the whole house to ourselves"

I looked at Donnie and he nods at lucas
"Sure we will like too" donnie agrees
"We will have so much fun!" Jill smiles happily
And I smiled too agreeing with everyone. That we should go.

I sat down in the bathroom for 2 whole mins. And I grabbed the pregnancy test. And looked at it. My eyes didn't widen or really not that shocked but I looked at my belly and said.

"Im pregnant. . ."

Good nerd girl presents: Rosie KinloWhere stories live. Discover now