Decisions (Billy Andrews)

Start from the beginning

"He's been planning a surprise for you–" Her eyes widened as if she didn't expect the words to come out. It was almost like she had been the one to receive the news as I stood there with my mouth agape. So I had been wrong, and I was glad I was. "Oh, he's going to kill me."

"What is he planning?"

"I've already told you enough," she said as she held her hands up. It was almost like surrender but she would give in if I kept asking.

"You might as well tell me," I pleaded as we went inside. I immediately heard the loud voices of my peers as we continued to our desks. As Jane sat down I looked at her and narrowed my eyes, "I promise not to mention your slip up."

She was contemplating my words. But if she thought more on it she would know I wouldn't tell him a thing. It would crush his spirit, and that was the last thing I'd ever want.

"It's a surprise for getting into college. Although you're still  undecided." The tone of her voice was familiar but I didn't think too much about it as my mind wandered to Billy. "You're lucky you have options just pick one and go, but I would prefer it if you went to Queen's."

There was a radiant smile on her face as she said this. She had moved the direction of the conversation. I would bring it up later she knew that but I did have to ponder and make a decision.

I chose to sit down as it helped me think. Weighing out the pros and cons I had made my decision. This was probably the only time I thought about it.


I had no choice but to follow Jane as I knew she served as a distraction. It was only a few days prior that she mentioned the surprise party Billy was making for me so I let her entertain me, seeming to forget that she let me in on the secret.

With a skip in her step, I rushed to keep waking beside her. It seemed like she was in a hurry to get somewhere. That somewhere being her house even if she was trying to make it look otherwise. "How long until they're done decorating?"

The realization dawned on her and she went into a fit of laughter. I furrowed my eyebrows confused as I looked at her, it didn't look like she would be stopping anytime soon. I grabbed her by the arms and took her somewhere we could sit. As she calmed down we sat down a distance away from her house. If anyone were to look outside they would probably see us. "I've been up all night I'm so tired."

That would explain her sanity slipping away. She laid her head on me as I brought my arm up to her hair. I couldn't see her but I could guess she had her eyes closed as she started humming. She abruptly stopped and turned her head to look at me. "What's going on with you?"

She let out a sigh as though she was ready to tell me her darkest secrets. "The reason Billy's doing this today is that he's not sure he'll be there when you go off to college."

That did confuse me but my questions had been answered in a matter of seconds. I watched as she pulled out the grass from below and I held her hand. It was always warm in contrast to mine. "I think I love him."

My words shocked her out of her sleepy state of mind. I straightened myself as I was taken aback at my admission.

I wasn't sure why I said it. Maybe the realization that we would be worlds apart. I would be off at college and we had yet to know when we would see each other next. I let out a sigh as a frown made its way to my face.

Jane was still looking at me, I could feel it. Maybe because she couldn't imagine anyone loving Billy romantically. Yet here I was. "I think you need to tell him before he leaves."


Needless to say, I should have carried out my plans to tell him but I didn't have the courage. I regretted it with every passing day. And Jane liked to remind me of it at any given chance. Just like she was doing now.

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