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''Where are we going?This is not the way to my place.''Baekhyun said. 

Chanyeol kept his eyes on the road.''No it's not. We're going to mine.''

''Chanyeol i don't....''

''Quit it Baekhyun. I'm already pissed as fuck that i had to see you like this in a flimsy shirt out in the fucking rain for some reason you won't tell me. We're going to my place and that's final. ''He knew he must sound like a control freak right now but he could care less. Baekhyun was shaking beside him, sniffling and sneezing. This was the second time he was seeing him soaked and drenched by the rain.

''It wasn't for some reason.''he mumbled.

'''Then why were you out there like that huh?"

''I.....nevermind. What about my clothes. They're wet. And if i'm going to take a bath what am i going to wear after that?''Baekhyun turned his head to kook at him, curled in on himself, hugging his legs to his chest and his big coat drowning his tiny body.

''Unless you have a problem wearing my clothes you can stop with the excuses Baek.''

''It's Baekhyun for you.''it was low, almost muffled but he still heard it. He stopped at the robot sign and turned to look at him straight in the eyes.

''Just worry about keeping yourself warm till we arrive Baek''

He was in his study, reading through some of the case files he received this morning when the door opened and a head of wet curly brown hair poked through. Baekhyun looked at him with doe wide eyes, body wrapped around a bathrobe too big for him.

''Uh,...I'm done.''

Chanyeol smiled and took off his glasses. He was still in his work shirt and pants, sleeves rolled up and the first two buttons of his shirt undone. He walked up to him and opened the door further. Baekhyun stepped back.

''Follow me.''Was all he said and walked past him, trying his level best to ignore the smell of strawberry shampoo and a hint of his own body scent on him. Baekhyun was right behind him as they waked into his room. He opened the closet and took out one of his white big hoodies that was oversized on him so he was sure it was going to be a literal dress on Baekhyun. Luckily, he had a pair of shorts with drawstrings so with those he threw them on the bed next to him.

''Wear those. There's some lotion on the nightstand. Come down as soon as you're done.''Chanyeol with that turned and left the room before he did anything he would regret later on. He had wanted to shower first but decided against it and made hot chocolate for the both of them. Waiting for him in the living room, he checked his messages. One from his mom asking him to stop by for dinner next weekend and the other from Lix inviting him for a night out with Jungwoo. Yeah right. Like he would go there willingly and third wheel.

Baekhyun came down the stairs minutes later and Chanyeol really shouldn't have turned around. There he was, drowned in his jersey hiding the shorts he was wearing completely and reaching just above his knees with smooth milky legs exposed. He looked away as thankfully Baekhyun took a seat on the other couch.

''Here. This should warm you up.''Chanyeol pushed the hot cup his way.

''Thanks.''Baekhyun's eyes fluttered closed as he took a sip and let out a sigh. God he was so  beautiful. It's like he was ten times more pretty than he last saw him.

''Seriously though. What were you doing out there by yourself?"Chanyeol asked, to distract himself from his train of thought.

''I was on a date.''

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