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''You're stupid.''

''I know''

''You're really fucking stupid.''Yixing continued.

''Dude i said i know alright.''Chanyeol snapped. He didn't need him to remind him. He knew that well the minute Baekhyun ran out of that room.

''I understand where you're coming from. I do. But you could have been a bit more considerate you know.''Kyungsoo said this time and he could only sigh in response. He's been sitting in his office, having a hard time concentrating since this morning and the guys of course never skipping out on coming over, showed up during lunch time with food. It was like they didn't mind at all driving for thirty minutes to his office just to have lunch. The dedication was ridiculous.

''That i know as well. I ...just...i wasn't thinking straight. I was so desperate to see him again. I wanted to hold him in my arms and never let go.''He said in a small voice. He can still remember perfectly how good and content it felt to have his small frame engulfed in his big one. 

''You've already let go once man.''Yixing pointed out.

''You guys can stop coming for me. I got the message loud and clear.''Chanyeol drawled in annoyance.

''To be honest, i get why Baekhyun reacted that way. You left him. And i know he didn't take it well and i'm also one hundred percent sure he is still in love with you but four years of not seeing you and probably trying his best to forget you only to have you pop back up in his life was too much for him. You can't just suddenly want to kiss him and expect him to go along with it. He doesn't know what you're thinking, what that was supposed to mean, hell, you don't even know if he's seeing someone. Have you asked him how he's been Chanyeol?"Jongin was on full mom mode and he shook his head in shame.

''I shouldn't be surprised at this point. All i'm saying is try not being selfish and put yourself in his shoes. People may see you like you're the bad person here but i honestly am proud of you for what you did. Not anyone can have the guts to put their loved ones first like that despite it hurting the both of them. I know you love him a lot and you did this for his benefit. But don't make me regret liking you for that and be the mature person i know you are.''Jongin paused and leaned over his desk to look at him with a smile. He couldn't help but smile back at his best friend who was practically his brother at this point.

''Thank you.''he mumbled.

''Sheesh. What a heartfelt speech. Jongin the love guru huh?"Yixing teased and Jongin turned to glare at him.

''Don't even get me started you asshole. You have yet to explain to me why you're still hanging out with Ravi.''

That shut him up and Chanyeol's brows raised in surprise while Kyungsoo's pinched into a furrow.

''We're not hanging out.''

Chanyeol almost scoffed. Yixing and lying didn't go together.

''Sure you aren't. What was he doing at your house then? I clearly saw him drive away as soon as i parked the car.''this conversation was slowly heading to a heated argument that Chanyeol didn't want to be here for. Ravi was one of the high school kids they attended the same class with and let's just say him and Jongin hooked up before. But instead of it remaining just that. A hook up. Our guy Ravi caught feelings and well that happened around the time Jongin started falling for Kyungsoo so he got rejected. Was quite the sad scene. But the twist here was that Ravi turned out to be Yixing's friend. Something they found out some time ago and the crazy part is that he asked Yixing out who of course rejected him since he was still in that phase of ''i'm straight and waiting for the right one.''

Lawfully Twistedحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن