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Baekhyun froze.

"My date for an auction I'm attending tomorrow in the afternoon. There's dinner too in the evening we'll be joining as well. One of my friends is in town and his company is having an auction for one of their latest designs and asked me to bring a date. " Chanyeol explained.

"Is it alright if I go? I mean for sure you'd have taken So Min had she been here but I on the other hand...." Baekhyun didn't want to admit it but being second chance didn't feel good. He should seriously stop being so selfish.

"I want you to come. " Chanyeol stated.

"Okay but why do I get a feeling we're going somewhere fancy with people wearing ball gowns and expensive suits. " Chanyeol chuckled.

"Something like that. Come with me. " Chanyeol stood up and Baekhyun followed him. There were shopping bags piled on the table.

"What are these? " Baekhyun asked.

"You'll see. Come on" Chanyeol grinned and grabbed them before walking to the stairs, Baekhyun curiously following him.

They went into his room and Chanyeol placed the bags on his bed.

"Open them" Chanyeol instructed, folding his arms.Baekhyun frowned but did so either way. He took out the expensive looking white blazer, holding it out from his body and admiring it. He saw that there was a pair of silver-greyish suit pants in there too and a box on the other bag that he could tell where probably shoes. These were all new clothes and expensive ones too judging from the labels as well as the price tags. And funnily enough they were his size. He looked at him with wide eyes.

"Are these....? "

"Yes.I bought them for you. Minseok is a bit obsessed when it comes to dress code. He'd kill me if I went all casual on him. He's the friend I was talking about. Do you like them? " Chanyeol asked nervously.

"I love them. The outfit is very fashionable. Something I definitely wouldn't be able to pick out. " Baekhyun said honestly.

"Good.I even bought a pair of shoes and some accessories to go with it. Just wear a plain white T-shirt under that,tucked in.  Surely you have one right? "

"Yes I do. Thank you. " Baekhyun said.

"No, thank you for agreeing. Kyungsoo and Yixing are coming too. Hope you don't feel out of place. "

"Why? Because I'll be the only 18 year old person there? Please. I'll do just fine as long as you don't leave me by myself. You know I hate crowds, conversing with them even more. " Baekhyun went to put the clothes back inside the bags.

"Wait, what are you doing? Are you not going to put them on? " Chanyeol asked.

"Do I have to? I'm too lazy to undress. " Baekhyun immediately regretted saying that as it sounded like he was implying Chanyeol do it for him when he really in truth was just too lazy.

"Yes.I need to see if they fit. Get your ass up and go change. " Chanyeol took the clothes, shoved them in his hands and guided him to the bathroom with his hands on his shoulders as Baekhyun groaned.

"Don't even dare take too long in there or I'm finishing that pizza on my own. " Chanyeol said pushing him in and closing the door before he could reply.

Baekhyun pursed his lips and started to undress. He was left stark naked and if Chanyeol were to burst in there by mistake, it'd be the most embarrassing thing ever. He put on the clothes, struggling a little bit with the pants. He didn't take the shoes since he was sure they were his size and wore the silver necklace around his neck. He gave himself a once over on the bathroom mirror and he had to fucking admit he looked good. The pants were a bit tight around his hips and butt but not in an uncomfortable way. Something he's used to which is why he wore baggy trousers. Baekhyun didn't need to hear it from other people. He knew his lower body was a little feminine looking. His round hips always showed in tight jeans and his plump ass was a problem. Always making sure it stood out if he tucked in his shirt. He was thankful for the blazer because it was slightly big on him. The sleeves covered half of his hand and the hem went down over his waist covering his ass completely. It would do. He opened the door and walked out and Chanyeol's back was facing him as the tall male was busy on the phone. He cleared his throat and Chanyeol turned around. His brows raised a bit and mouth opened in what Baekhyun would assume to be awe.Baekhyun felt a bit self conscious as Chanyeol's eyes raked over his body. He wasn't even talking anymore and just full on staring. Did he look bad? Or too good? Surely it's the latter.

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