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Dedicated to byunbaekbottom and blue_eyed_diamond.Love you lots.


He promised Baekhyun he wouldn't meddle with the rape case but his lawyer instincts kept kicking in and he found himself researching about the man who did this to Baekhyun.What he found was both satisfying and irritating at the same time.It turned out that the man was currently in prison after being sentenced to 10 years in prison for rape and abuse.It happened just recently and it was satisfying that he was now in jail where he should be but it still irritated Chanyeol that he wasn't in there for what he did to Baekhyun.He could easily open a case and increase his time in jail but Baekhyun's pleas held him back.It was not his place to try and involve himself and so just like that he let it go.They had just recently got together.There was no reason to spoil that with past events that Baekhyun desperately wanted to forget about.

''Have you two already slept together?''Yixing asked, interrupting his train of thought.

''And why would i tell you that?''Chanyeol leaned back in his seat, taking a sip of his drink.They were currently at Kyungsoo's office in school during the lunch break.Chanyeol not having too much work at office had decided to join Kyungsoo and Yixing for lunch.Jongin was busy so he couldn't make it.

''Because i asked you a question and it's only logical that you answer.''

''No one asked you if you've slept with Sehun before.''Kyungsoo said.

''You guys never have to.Your glares everytime i mention Sehun are question enough.To be honest, Sehun has been angry with me.I think he wants to do more and i'm holding him back.His birthday is in a month but damn i've never had to deal with something this hard.Our kisses always end up intense and the we'd abruptly stop which would lead to a fight, then him sulking.Do you have any idea how hard it is to have to control the urge to just let go and do as you please.?''Chanyeol chuckled.

''I know how it feels.''He said.He's been trying to take things slow with Baekhyun as he felt it would be too much to just dive right into that. He hadn't even asked him out yet. But he will. Soon. He wanted it to be perfect and romantic when he does. He just hopes that Baekhyun doesn't think he's not taking them seriously by waiting this long. As if he were reading his mind, Yixing spoke up.

"What are you doing not taking him already? Haven't you asked him out yet? " Kyungsoo rolled his eyes.

"Not everything is about sex Yixing." Kyungsoo said and Chanyeol couldn't help but snort.

"You're one to talk. You and Jongin fucked on your first date. " Kyungsoo's eyes widened while Yixing snickerd.

"How the hell..... "

"You know Jongin tells me everything. Or at least he used to. Ever since you two got married he doesn't say shit. Which is a good thing. Shows that he's matured so don't go and bite his head off. " Chanyeol said, worried for his best friend and the earful he was going to get for this.

"Matured my ass. It was just weeks ago when he asked Chanyeol about the BD.... "

"Dude! " Chanyeol cut him off with a glare and Yixing kept quiet, realizing how he almost slipped. Kyungsoo though wasn't dumb and noticed.

"Asked you about what? " Kyungsoo turned to Chanyeol. He looked intimidating and Chanyeol knew he couldn't lie to him.

"It's nothing.I was just talking nonsense. " Yixing said but Kyungsoo wasn't buying it.

"Does this have to do with how strange he's been acting in bed.? " Kyungsoo asked.

"Strange how? " Chanyeol asked.

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