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"Baekhyun this is a crazy idea. I don't even know why I agreed to this. Did you see how annoyed he was yesterday? "Taeyong said, putting on his clothes. He had stayed the night over and woke up early claiming his parents were suddenly back but he knew he was just trying to get out of here.

" But don't you see what this means? "Baekhyun asked excitedly. After a week of pretending he was fine and not bothered by the hot kiss they shared last weekend he had decided to up his game. The reason why he'd asked Chanyeol to forget about it was because he expected him to come and tell he couldn't. That he liked it and wanted to talk about things. But the jerk instead went along with Baekhyun's lies and acted as if everything was normal. He could tell Chanyeol was stubborn and definitely going to ignore his own feelings unless Baekhyun does something about it. So he asked Taeyong for help. Nothing better than making the man jealous to get him to man up and explain what the hell happened between them.

" Oh I see exactly what this means alright. The man is jealous and going to make it his mission to treat me like shit till I stop coming over." Taeyong chuckled dryly.

"This is actually surprising. This kind of reaction from him. It makes me hope that just maybe he and I could..... "

"Baekhyun.I'm only asking because I feel like you're out of it but what makes you so sure that he's into you? Because he kissed you?"Taeyong cut him off, sitting on the edge of the bed fully dressed.

"Yes.? "Taeyong snorted.

" You can do better than that dude. People can kiss each other and it wouldn't mean anything. Or it can but be one sided. Like us. Everytime I kiss you I feel something but you don't. "Baekhyun frowned.

" Are you implying he kissed me for no reason. That he was just horny and I so happened to be there at that moment? "Baekhyun didn't want to believe it as he spoke. But then that could be what it was. It's not something he could entirely rule out.

" That's not what I'm trying to say here. You're so lost in your feels that you suddenly think everything is now sunshine and rainbows. It might sound like I'm being an asshole but you need to hop back into reality Baek.You've seen how Chanyeol and your sister are like around each other. They've been together for a while and they're still going despite being far from each other. You think they'd stop loving each other over a mere kiss?"

"You're being awfully honest today." Baekhyun said.

"Well you're not being honest with yourself so maybe if tell it to you straight you might snap out of it. "

"Fine! I get it. I may have been a little too forward. Chanyeol didn't even say he liked me so it's stupid for me to say he's jealous but Taeyong for the first time in my life I feel hopeful. Something I rarely feel. " Baekhyun said and he saw Taeyong furrow his brows in confusion. Shit ,he almost slipped.

"What are you talking about? "

"Nothing.Look, even if it's of no use just help me. Be my fake boyfriend. I need closure so I can be able to let go of my crazy fantasies. "Baekhyun pleaded.

"You said I was being awfully honest. Well, you're being awfully selfish. " Taeyong said standing up.

"I'm being selfish how? " Baekhyun got off the bed, following him.

"All you can talk about is getting Chanyeol jealous so he could miraculously tell you he likes you but you've forgotten completely how you're hurting your sister by doing this. She always came first to you and now you're out here trying to steal her man. "

"Okay fuck this! What's your deal dude? Does it bother you that just maybe Chanyeol might feel the same way that I do? I clearly told you when we started this that you shouldn't ever think we could work out and what did you say huh? You said you'd be fine! " Baekhyun said a bit too loudly, getting slightly annoyed.

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