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"Whoa, if greek gods existed then this man would be.... "

"Shut it Sehun. " Jongdae quickly cut in and Sehun glared at him. Baekhyun watched the so called greek god walk to the front of the class with Mrs Ji.He recognized the guy from earlier and quickly assumed this was the lawyer they were expecting but now that he was looking straight at him he snorted. No way was this presentation going to be effective. Even he would admit the guy did look like a greek god. His gay self would admit the man standing there was handsome, tall, lean but with enough muscle to show he played football or some sport back in school. His elf ears were weird but at the same time cute and if he were to be honest, the guy was actually his type it seemed.If the guy wasn't already married by now then he was a fucking idiot. But Baekhyun was like that. Him appreciating looks never meant he was interested. Taeyong was handsome and yet he had no intention of dating him.

"Class, as I already mentioned last time our guest Mr Park is here to carry out a presentation on his job, what it entails and all the necessary information you need to know about it. I hope you give him the chance to do that and behave while you're at it. " The warning was evident in her eyes as she told the rest of the class. Who by the way weren't really listening but ogling at Mr Park. The guy looked nervous and most definitely uncomfortable. Baekhyun wondered why he bothered coming. He knows he wouldn't have.

"Hello everyone, I'm Mr Park. And I'm a lawyer as you might already know from P.C law firm. " He said while Mrs Ji smiled and went to sit on the chair at the corner of the class. Baekhyun snorted again, of fucking course he had a deep voice.

"You're very handsome,... How old are you? " some kid asked and Baekhyun rolled his eyes. Surely that must apply as rude.

"Uh... Well I don't think I'm obliged to answer that so how about we just get on with the purpose of my visit." he said with a fake smile.

And like that he carried on talking about how he came to be a lawyer, how he worked at some company at first and had to work under someone who always gave him a hard time and how he managed to start his own law firm with hard work. As well what it was required of a student to become a lawyer and everything else important. But during the whole presentation Baekhyun could have sworn he had caught his eyes lingering a little too long on him. Or he could be delusional. Whatever it is Baekhyun didn't want to entertain it and so he ignored him. His focus on the scribbler before him ,taking notes.

"Well, that was all. Any questions? " Mr Park asked, a little more confident than he was earlier.

"I do. " yet another kid Baekhyun didn't know by name asked.

"Yes, go ahead. "

"What do you do if ever you're forced to defend a culprit? " Mr Park raised a brow, clearly having not expected a mature question.

"I've never encountered a situation like that before because I turned cases like that down. I do my own research too because I know my clients can lie to me as well and if I so happen to find out they're guilty I drop the case. " He replied firmly. And Baekhyun had to raise his hand at that. Mr Park seemed to halt and look surprised when he saw that he raised his hand but quickly regained his composure and nodded his head.

"Isn't that bad for your firm though? Financially?.. I mean if that's how you handle things then I'm afraid you're going to be dropping a lot of cases in the near future. " Baekhyun said and he could feel everyone's eyes on him. They were probably judging him for trying to get too smart with the lawyer. He knew people hated him for being the clever student, too forward and reserved. This time Mr Park's eyes were now directly on him as he contemplated on how to answer the question. Or that's how it looked to Baekhyun.

Lawfully TwistedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora