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"Where the hell have you been?.. Trying to ditch on us man? " Sehun asked as soon as he walked back into his room. Jongdae was laying on his bed playing with his bracelet while he was at his desk painting his nails.

"Sorry. I was talking to Chanyeol. " Baekhyun answered as he sat on the edge of the bed. Sehun paused and turned to look at him.

"Chanyeol? He was here? "


"Why? What did he want?" Jongdae sat up.

"To talk. That's it. " Baekhyun said and they all seemed to understand that he didn't want to talk about it as Sehun went back to his nails.

"Why are you not wearing this? Isn't it the one he got for you? " Jongdae asked handing him the bracelet.

"It is... I took it off because I was pissed. " Baekhyun said as he took it from him and put it back on. Jongdae raised a brow.

"You're not pissed anymore? "

"I don't think I ever was. I'm weak like that for him. So are you finally coming with us? " Baekhyun changed the subject, standing up to go open his closet.

"Yuri found a way to force him to come. He has no choice. " Sehun snickered and Baekhyun smirked. Jongdae was so whipped for his girlfriend that he'd do anything or go anywhere if she asked him. This side of his best friend was very interesting to see really. It could never grow old. And ever since that incident a year ago with Yuri, their relationship has been stronger than ever.

"And Taeyong?.. Where is he? " Baekhyun flipped through the hangers looking for something to wear.

"Avoiding Junmyeon of course. He thought he'd be here so he just said he'd meet us at the party.''Sehun said and Baekhyun peeked his head out.

"Why? "

"I think it has something to do with what happened on Wednesday. He told us he came here looking for you after getting drunk off his ass late at night but you must have been out at the library studying and so the only person who was in the room was Junmyeon. He won't tell us the rest. " Jongdae answered.

"Oh. Junmyeon never told me he came around. " Baekhyun wondered why since he always mentioned it if someone had been there while he was away.

"You think they kissed or even better.. Hooked up? " Sehun turned in his seat to look at them while wagging his brows. Baekhyun rolled his eyes.

"Do you seriously think he has a thing for Junmyeon? " Jongdae asked.

"I don't know. It looks like it. He keeps acting weird and flustered everytime you bring him up. I could be wrong though. We all know it's going to take more than just some random quiet nerd like Junmyeon to get him to move on from Baekhyun. " Sehun said.

"Even if Taeyong liked him there's no point. Junmyeon doesn't have a personal love life. The only thing he gives his attention to is his books and that's it. And I don't think he's even his type.'' Baekhyun said as he found a pair of ripped jeans he's never worn yet since buying them. He settled for them and a black long sleeved mesh shirt which he got from Sehun after pestering him to take it and wear it to the party.

"What are you doing in there? " Jongdae asked.

"Looking for something to wear. I'm starting to regret agreeing to go. " Baekhyun said lazily throwing himself on the bed next to Jongdae.

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