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Kris looked at him, probably wondering why he asked him out for coffee when he had just told him two days ago that he never wanted to see his face again. Chanyeol took a sip of his latte and looked at him. The guy looked like a mess. The dark circles under his sunken eyes were proof enough that he was having a bad day.

"I'm only doing this because my friends think I should. " Chanyeol said.

"You could have just ignored them." Kris mumbled. It was weird for Chanyeol seeing him like this. All sad and everything.

"Yeah I could have but there's a thing called a guilty conscience. I realized I was a bit rude last time. I'm sorry. " Kris looked up at him.

"You don't have to apologize. What I did was wrong and you were right. I might have did that just to get your attention. " He admitted and Chanyeol sighed.

"For whatever reason you did it for, I don't care. I'm just sorry that I can't reciprocate your feelings that's all. And I heard you quit. Kris, that's a great decision you made there but before you go all out just don't do everything on my account. Things can go pretty bad for you. " Chanyeol said.

"I'm only doing what's right and I know what will happen to me but don't worry about it. I already got this covered. I'm still going to get a job after this. " Kris said.

"Well if you know what you're doing then it's all good. " Chanyeol shrugged.

"Do you think if we had started off the right foot you and I could have been a thing? "

"I doubt that. You're not really my type. " Kris rolled his eyes.

"You've always been so picky. I bet the girl you're dating is your first. She must be a special one to suit your tastes. "

"I don't know if I should find that offensive or not." Chanyeol said and Kris smiled.

"I'm going out of town for a while so you might not see me around. " Kris informed.

"Whatever.It's not like I would have noticed your absence if you hadn't told me. "

"I wonder if you're always like this with others or is it just me? " Kris said.

"Like what? " Chanyeol asked.

"Blunt, bitter and cold. " Kris stated.

"Oh.Nah, it's just you. " Chanyeol said with a smile.

"You're evil. I don't even know what I see in you. " Kris joked.

"There are a lot of things to see actually but I'm not going to brag. " Kris scoffed.

"You just did you cocky bastard."

"Now you're starting to sound more like yourself. More coffee? " He gestured to Kris's empty cup.


When Chanyeol got home So Min was sleeping on the couch in the living room with an empty bottle of wine by her side. Liz walked out of the kitchen carrying her bag all ready to leave and stopped when she saw him.

"You're leaving? " Chanyeol asked.

"Yes.I cooked dinner as usual and only Baekhyun ate so I put the rest of it in the fridge. I can heat it up before I leave if you'd like. " Liz suggested.

"No it's fine. When did she come in?"Chanyeol asked pointing to the couch where So Min was sleeping.

"She came home earlier than usual and had a little too much to drink before passing out there an hour ago but I made her coffee to sober her up before she slept so she should be fine when she wakes up."

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