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He slowly opened his eyes., the same throbbing headache he had yesterday starting as he groaned in pain. He realized he was in a car and then remembered how he had called Sehun and went to a club where they had way too many drinks. He looked to his side and Chanyeol sat there with an angry expression on his face as he looked ahead with his arms folded. God, surely he didn't call him to come pick him up.

"Fuck... " He cursed, his throat dry and burning. He removed his seatbelt and rubbed his temples with his thumbs in attempt to numb the pain.

"If you're all sobered up get the fuck out of my car. " He heard Chanyeol say. He turned to look at him and saw his jaw was clenched. It was dark outside and he could see through the windows that they were parked in front of his house.

"You could be a little more nicer. " Baekhyun knew this wasn't the time to be sassy with someone he had called to take his drunk ass home but he was the very same reason he went to the club and drowned himself in alcohol when he has an exam in the morning. Was he being dramatic? Possibly. But it was the truth. He got so annoyed with how this little crush seemed to stem way deeper than what it should be and the jealousy he shouldn't be feeling when he saw him with So Min irritated him. This was wrong. Very wrong. Baekhyun wasn't dumb. He knew what liking someone was. He wasn't those type of people who took a whole month or year to figure out they're attracted to someone. He liked Chanyeol. He wanted him.This was different. His crush developed into something more.Jesus.Somebody needed to beat the sense out of him.

"Nicer? Does me wasting my precious time to pick you up, driving you home and babysitting you while you doze off for a whole hour and thirty minutes not nice enough? I have a lot of things to be doing right now and I need to sleep because I have a busy week ahead of me but I just don't know exactly what I'm doing here with you when the both of us don't even get along." Chanyeol raged, his eyes looked tired and his hair that Baekhyun had always seen slicked back was now falling down on his forehead and ruffled from being running through with his hand. Baekhyun felt bad.No matter how drunk he was he shouldn't have called him or whatever it is he did to get him here because at the time he knew he was doing it out of spite.

"Uh... I'm sorry and thank you. " He mumbled, the guilt eating at him.

"Just leave. And take these with you unless you want to spend the whole of your day tomorrow wearing shades and suffering from a bad headache. " Chanyeol said as he put down a plastic bag with pills and a bottle of water on his lap.When did he buy these?

"You didn't have to" He muttered as he took them.

"Yeah I didn't but I'm not an asshole and I know how bad hangovers are so you can just say thank you instead. " He said as he started the car.That was a clear message for him to get out of his car.

"Thank you. " He opened the door and got out.

"Uh... Can you not tell So Min about this? She'd freak, especially knowing I made you do all this. " He bit his lower lip and Chanyeol looked at him and huffed.

"That's quite ambitious of you. Goodnight Baekhyun. " He said firmly as he reached over and shut the door in front of his face before driving off. Baekhyun rolled his eyes and walked to the front door of his house. He unlocked it with his own keys and made sure to stay as quiet as possible as he went to the kitchen to take the pills.When he went to the bedroom,his sister was asleep and the blanket over her head,a sleeping habit of hers that Baekhyun could never do because it always made him feel like he was suffocating.He walked to his bed and just as he was about to undress he realized he was wearing a blazer instead of his hoodie. Chanyeol's blazer he assumed. The smell of the cologne similar to his. Yes. He was that obsessed with him now.He shrugged it off putting it aside and went under his covers to sleep not wanting to think about why it felt so good to own something of Chanyeol's. Was he still drunk?

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