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"So uh,.. Earlier. What were you talking about? " Chanyeol asked, trying to sound as casual as he could about it. Lix raised his head to look at him. His plate of food empty with just the remains of meat bones. They had left the wedding and had dinner at his house. And no. Nothing romantic and just platonic.

"When? "

"You know.. Earlier. With Baekhyun. " Chanyeol was just giving it away how curious he was.

"Oh. Nothing much. I was just trying to be nice and offered him a ride home. Which he turned down of course." Lix shrugged.

"That's all? . Did he tell you why? "

"Isn't it because he hates me? I mean he has no reason to say no. I even tried to make things better and told him you and I aren't dating. I was practically your wingman, telling him you still loved him and made it clear to me. " Lix's tone was masked with a hint of bitterness that Chanyeol didn't miss.

"You didn't have to do that. He's not going to listen to you. " Chanyeol let out a sigh. He could tell from their encounter in the bathroom earlier how Baekhyun was mad at him. It's like his presence pissed him off and he's never felt more guilty in his life than then because one, he deserved it and two he was the reason he was acting that way. What used to be a perfect sweet relationship was now a bitter and sour tension between them. Of course he loved Baekhyun. That was never going to stop but he couldn't help but worry. What if he made a big mistake? What if that love turned into complete hate for him?. Then that'd mean he'd never get a chance with him. Ever.

"You're right. He didn't. Called it useless information. Never felt more humiliated in my life honestly. "

"I'm sorry. " he mumbled.

"Why? "

"You had to get caught up in our mess. People now have the wrong idea about you. "

Lix snorted. "I kissed you. Don't forget that. I kind of brought this on myself. Let's just stop talking about it. I want to watch a movie. " Lix stood up taking with him his glass of wine which was his third to the living room. There was a slight sway to his step and he knew all too well what it meant.

"It's past ten Lix. Don't you have to go home.? " Chanyeol followed him to the living room, sitting on the couch next to him.

"I'm not a kid Chan. And I'm thinking of staying the night over. Actually scratch that. I'm staying the night over. Now put something on will you. "

Chanyeol looked at him. "You're drunk. "

"Correct! All the more reason why I should sleep here." He giggled.

"I'll just drive you home. Staying the night is a bit.... "

"Chanyeol. Come on. " he clung to his arm, moving closer. "It's not like we're going to do anything. I'm not too drunk to not know you don't want me. Let me stay yeah?.. I'll sleep in the other room if you feel uncomfortable. "Chanyeol thought about it for a second and looked at him. He sighed.

"Fine. You can sleep in the guest room. " Chanyeol pulled his arm off of him and scooted away. Lix saw this and laughed bitterly.

"You sure don't find me attractive huh? "

"You know that's not,... "

"Whatever. Play me the damn movie. " Lix downed the glass and hugged the couch pillow to himself. They ended up falling asleep in the living room watching Twilight.

When he woke up the next morning, his back ached and so did his neck. He saw that coming. Sleeping on the couch was never a good idea. Lix came down the stairs in a robe as he groaned while stretching.

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