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Hisoka prickled, his body tensing as his bloodlust began to stir.

"Like seriously." The leathery man continued, laughing slightly. "Cover that shit up, there everywhere. Look at all that shit across her back and did you see the one on her stomach?  Gross."

Hisoka stood from his lounger, his gaze slid back towards the volleyball court. His anger only growing when he realized Kinta had heard them, she moved away from the team, scurrying to the corner of the court to slip her coverup back on. It finally dawned on the magician why Kinta had wanted the coverup in the first place. Why she never wore crop tops or open-backed clothing in general. Why, she still flinched when even he touched the marks. Kinta was hiding her scars, she'd always been hiding her scars. Even from him. A card slipped between the reapers fingers.

"Hey! Let me try serving it this time!" Kinta called as she jogged back towards the middle of the court, now with her cover up back on.

Hisoka turned his attention back to the two men, apparently Kinta was willing to ignore them. But he wasn't. Another card slid between his fingers as he moved forward, concealing his presence so he could sneak up on the pair. They wanted to call Kinta's scars ugly? He'd give them some ugly scars.

He slowly stalked towards the two men, thinking of how he'd carve up the pair. Planning how he'd give the man with the aviator glasses the worst scars possible, something that would never heal quite right. Kinta may be willing to ignore them, but Hisoka quite enjoyed reminding people of their manners.

The reaper was only a few feet away, when chaos erupted in front of him. A volley ball came flying out of the air, falling so fast that only a trained eye would have noticed it before the ball crashed into the man's face. The lounging chair the leathery man had been on was sent tumbling backwards up the beach, the man himself flipping in the air before landing face-first in the sand. Like something out of a cartoon, except the pool of blood quickly formed around his head in the sand.

"Oh  WOW!" Kinta called as she jogged over. "Sorry about that!" She laughed, stopping in front of the man's head just as the ball finally came back down. Kinta caught it without a second glance.

"Uh- huh-?" The leathery man finally began to move, lifting his head from the sand. His nose was completely shattered, flattened like a pancake against his face. His aviator sunglasses destroyed, bits of broken glass embedded in his skin, the wire rims fell off his face as he lifted his head.

"I JUST learned how to play, you know?" Kinta smiled,  tossing the ball in the air before catching it again. Her cruel smile only grew as the man on the ground flinched. "I only hit this thing like- seven outta ten times!" She laughed, slapping the side of the ball.

The corner of Hisoka's lip twitched up into a smile as he tried not to laugh, putting his cards away as he watched the interaction.

Her gaze slowly turned to the man's friend, who had scrambled out of his chair and still seemed to be struggling to comprehend what just happened. Kinta's smile didn't falter, her expression didn't change, but her bloodlust slowly began to seep out as she looked at the one still standing. Her aura was ominous and heavy, like icy pins and needles over Hisoka's skin, causing a shiver of excitement to race down his spine.

"Why don't you collect your friend and get out of here?" Kinta's smile was still deceptively sweet and innocent, but her eyes were cold. Her malicious intent hung heavily in the air as they both waited for the other man to act.  

The leathery man started to move, slowly flailing his arms around in the sand and grunting , obviously stunned from the hard impact. The other man still wore a dumbfounded look on his face, his wide eyes darting between his leather buddy and Kinta.

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