(24) Revelations

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He didn't seem to have heard me. He kept looking ahead frozen. I frowned.

What happened to him?

"Dad?", I called out a bit loudly.

He snapped out and turned to look at me.

"I was saying that I'm leaving, but you didn't hear me", I said with a small frown.

"Oh yeah bye. Take care princess", Dad smiled.

"Is everything okay? You look stressed since yesterday", I commented.

Even yesterday he was not his normal self. I thought maybe he was tired after work.

"I'm good Leah. Don't worry", He said softly.

"You sure?", I asked not convinced.

He nodded affirmatively with a smile. I sighed and leave after a wave.

I grab my bike and drive straight to the Kingston mansion. I remembered Troy and I are going together today.

The guards there obviously know me so they let me in without any problem. I park my bike right outside and climbed the steps to their front door and rang the bell.

The door opened and I saw Theodore. He smiled a bit seeing me.

"Hey Leah", He greeted me.

"Good morning sir. Troy ready to go?", I asked as I walk inside.

Theo sighed deeply.

"Uh no. He's throwing tantrums", He shakes his head.

"Why?", I asked.

"He doesn't want to go to school today", Theo replied.

"Huh? Why? He seemed so excited up until yesterday", I said in confusion.

"Yeah he was excited until yesterday", Theo sighed.

I frowned. "Can I go see him?", I asked.

"Sure. Maybe he'll listen to you", Theo smiled weakly.

I nod and walk inside. I passed the living room and saw Boss and Sebastian there sitting stoic.

"Good morning bosses", I grinned.

They didn't even look at me. They seemed in their own trance.

What the hell is going on? Is there some weird flu around here?

"Boss!", I said loudly.

Rowan and Sebastian look at me in surprise.

It's only then did I see the light bags under their eyes. They seemed exhausted and tired as if they hadn't slept all night.

"Oh hey Leah. All ready for work?", Boss smiled weakly.


"You mean all ready for school?", I asked with a surprised smile.

"Oh yeah same", He nods after realising.

Now that school's started I'll be doing less work for the mafia as usual as Boss doesn't want me to compromise education.

Also, Don's given clear orders.

"Yeah. Gonna go get Troy", I said pointing upstairs.

He sighs and nods. Sebastian looked away.

"He's in his room", Boss tells me.

I nod in confusion as I climb up the stairs.

Why is the aura so sad around here? Like someone's depressed.

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