Copycat - (Angst - Insane Pearl AU part 1)

Start from the beginning

Either way, it was not a good sign. Especially in the beta world of the Evo server where the Players lived in constant fear of the Watchers since the barrier hadn't been created for that server yet.

How did I get so unlucky?

Stress was still looking at me, so with shaking hands, I shove the paper towards her before walking away, not walking to see Stress' heart break for me. My legs felt like jelly and each step felt like picking up a ton of bricks, but I continued walking out of the high school ceremony and straight to the Evo portal.

I didn't want to be there, but I wanted to avoid the reactions of my friends and family even less. I thought that maybe I'd just get my torture over with and maybe within the year, I can apply for a server reassignment.

Say, "Hello, who are you?"

Yet standing in front of the Evo Portal was a grinning blond, his hair falling slightly into his eyes. Under his arm was a simple leather cap, the red matching his red hoodie that was tied tightly around his waist, around the white t-shirt he sported. This short man was chatting happily with a taller man in a suit, who was nervously rubbing his mustache. I continued forcing my heavy and numb body towards the pair, just barely picking up the end of their conversation.

"Of course, Mumbo. You know how I am!" the man in red grinned up at the taller, who shifted slightly side to side.

"Yes, I do know who you are and that's why I'm telling you to be careful! The Watchers have been much more active recently."

"Yah, we should be getting our protection within the month," the man said, lying a hand on Mumbo's, which was now running though his midnight black hair. His eyes immediately landed on me, his brown eyes sparkling. "You must be Ms. Moon! Oh, Mumbo, meet Ms. Moon. She was the top of her class! It took me literally all of my connections to get her. Xisuma was rather upset."

I raised a hand nervously, my eyes studying the blond man. He released Mumbo's arm and gripped my hand, shaking it aggressively. He stood only a few inches taller than me so I could basically look him straight in the eyes. "Um... yah, that's me... You can call me Pearl."

And we'll start from scratch again

"Pearl! I love that." The smile on the blond's face was contagious and I couldn't help but relax slightly. "I'm Grian! You're new admin, but seriously. Who cares about admins and stuff. You're family now!"

Mumbo also shook his hand, introducing himself and saying that he had just been transferred to the Hermitcraft server and made a joke about Xisuma trying to get Grian to join them. Grian just laughed and looked up at Mumbo. "You know I can't leave Evo. It's my family."

"Am I not family?" I couldn't help but chuckle at Mumbo's hurt tone.

Grian joined in with my laugh before smacking Mumbo lightly, "of course you are. You were the one who turned down joining Evo."

"Oh gosh. I should go. Nice to meet you Pearl."

"Gotta go, talk to you soon"

I grinned, waving at Mumbo as he walked away. Turning back to the blond, I found the fear dissipating slightly. Grian was clearly an absolute sweetheart. The idea of him being unlucky still stuck to my brain but he quickly pulled me into his server.

The next few days were a whirl wind. I met the other members of the server and got to know the server layout. Grian explained some of the rules, including that fact that we lived slightly in the past for some reason that he had yet to figure out. The days blurred together quickly as I followed the blond around. Soon I felt comfortable enough to go out on my own, but Grian would still come visit me every day.

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