Meet the sisters

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Claire Amber Rose

"You, okay?" I glanced at Dennis as he shifted in his seat uncomfortably. "I'm nervous." I chuckled lightly at his honesty. "Relax, there's nothing to be scared of. They are just my sisters."

"But I'm meeting the Adrianna St. Claire that everyone fear." I rolled my eyes at how dramatic he is. "Is that what you guys thought of her?" I raised my eyebrow curiously. "Well, some of us."

"Honestly I don't get it why people fear her, she is not that scary once you get to know her." he frowned. "Easy for you to say. You basically know her half of your life." My eyes darts towards the waitress who is serving other tables. All of a sudden it reminds me of myself and when Adrianna save me from those brats.

No matter how much people dislike, hate or even fear her, for me she always be my big caring and loving sister. It's just she only show her caring side to people she trust the most. Probably it is only us.

"Yeah." I answered with a hint of nostalgic lacing through my tone. "You, okay?" my eyes advert back to Dennis who sat beside me. I offer him a soft smile and hummed in respond. "Just remembering something."

He didn't get the chance to response as Adrianna and Lauren arrived at our table. I stood up and hug my sisters. "Hope we didn't keep you guys waiting for long." Lauren joked. I chuckled and shook my head. "Well, you are ten minutes late." I play along and Lauren grinned. "Perfect."

Meanwhile Dennis stood frozen beside me. My eyes move to Adrianna and see her observing him with her eagle eyes. She remain expressionless and unfazed as she always do. Taking a glanced at Dennis, he greeted them formally and rigid. He outstretched his palms to Adrianna, but she didn't immediately shake them only stared at it uninterested. Now I know why people fear her and feel little in front of Adrianna. She has this powerful, assertive, dark, and intense aura radiating from her body. If I hadn't know her, I probably act the same as the others were.

Just when Dennis about to drew his hand back, Adrianna shook his hand. I stared at Dennis rather amusing as he let out a breath of relief as they broke apart. The four of us sat down and we took our orders before settling ourselves comfortably before starting a conversation.

None of us have utter a word. Lauren and Adrianna are assessing him with their sharp gaze. Dennis cleared his throat and start a conversation.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you." Adrianna hummed in response as she took a sipped of her wine.

"I heard a lot about you." And again, Adrianna hummed in response with a cold expression staring at Dennis. From the corner of my eyes, I can see Dennis became more nervous due to Adrianna respond. I mean what do you expect from Adrianna? Having a calm and cold attitude is a part of her.

"So... Dennis. I heard a lot about you." Lauren leaned forward staring straight to Dennis eyes. "Good things I hope."

"Nope, all bad things." Lauren said bluntly as she smirked. I stifle a laughed, trying to cover it up by drinking water.

The small smile that was on Dennis face vanished. His eyes are now widen and I swear I saw a sweat forming on his forehead. "You are a man whore, am I right?"

"N-no! I am not!"

"You're not?" Lauren pretend to looked shocked. "Oh, so you are not the person who is known as the playboy and always have a new girl every week?"


"I must be mistaken then. I saw a picture of you with girl on the celebrity news a few months ago. That was not you?"

Lauren really know how to get on his nerves cause I saw the exact same news a few months ago when we, I mean I hated his guts.

"No, that was me."

"So, you are the playboy that Claire told me about it, huh?"

"Enough, Lauren." Lauren pouted as she hears Adrianna voice. She grabbed the glass of wine then leaned back to his chair with a smirk on her face.

"Dennis Harrington. The first son of Charles and Lidiya Harrington, known as a playboy. Have a sister who ex-fiancée is in jail and turns out he is involved with the mafia." She leans forward. "Do you think your sister have that kind of fate because of you. You changed women as if they are your clothes. And now your sister have to feel the pain. Having her engagement broke off and almost marry to a dangerous man."

Dennis clenched his hands to a fist. The nervous expression he has on his face vanished and now replace with a glared that he throws to Adrianna. But Adrianna as usual remain unbothered and unfazed. She leans back to the chair casually with a slight smirk on the corner of her lips.

"You can insult me, talk shit about me or even curse at me. I don't care, but don't you dare bring my family into this. They have nothing to do with it. just because I date your friend doesn't mean I will be scared of you, or I will do everything you say. My relationship is with Claire and I'm here for her."

Silence filled the table. No one dare to open their mouth to ease the tension that is now surround us. My eyes darted to Adrianna who smirks getting wider. She chuckled lightly as she grabbed the glass of wine then took a sip.

"What's so funny?" Dennis ask with a frown on his forehead.

"You are not as bad as I thought you'll be."

A confusion appeared on his face. He turns to me, and I shrugged my shoulder. "It shows you are a family person despite your past relationship. You truly care for Claire, and I respect that you changed for the better for her."


"That was just a test. I want to know what kind of man my sister is dating. And you, Dennis are a nice person. I apologize for saying such a mean thing about your family."

"Uh-yeah. That's okay."

Adrianna then turns serious once again. "Do you truly love Claire, or she is just a game to you?" Dennis shook his head vigorously. "No! I truly love her. I promise I won't do anything that will hurt her. I will make her happy." Adrianna nods her head.

"If I ever saw Claire crying because of you, trust me you won't ever see saw the sun shining again." Lauren said menacingly. Dennis gulped in fear and nodded his head.

Placing my hands on his from under the table to give him comfort, I send him an assuring smile. He relax under my touch and smile back at me lovingly. At the same time the waiter came and serves our food.

The rest of the evening, Dennis eventually came around. He can now talk at ease with Lauren if she decided to not shot him her deadly glared then he is fine. As with Adrianna, he still a little stiff around her, probably due to her aura. Somehow, she manage to carry that kind of aura around her to make people feared her and it is working.

Overall dinner turns pretty much well.

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