Fun reunion?

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Claire Amber Rose

Jealous? He said that I'm jealous?

I scoffed then dropped my bag on my table. There's no way I'm jealous seeing him flirt with that waitress. I am not jealous; I'm just annoyed. The fact that he was the one who invited me to have lunch but I ended up seeing him flirt. I sat on my chair and got me thinking about Dennis words before he goes.

Don't tell me he as getting back at me because of what happened at the event a week ago. Of course, it is! How come I didn't realize? It seems like Dennis wanted to play along, huh? Well, game on.

I went back continuing my work. I need to focus preparing for my new collection. Taking a deep breath, I put all my focus on my work.

"Miss, it's late. You don't want to go home?" I looked up to see my secretary. "What time is it, Melissa?"

"It's 7, miss." I nodded. "Okay, thank you. You could leave." She nods and bid me goodbye. I went back to my drawing to add the final touch on the outfit. I'm thinking to make this outfit the star of the show. People won't be able to take their eyes off this outfit. This outfit needs to be perfect.

If my phone hadn't ring, I will probably stay in my office till morning. I answer my phone without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?"

"Claire, where are you?"

"Mom? I'm in the office. What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I hope I don't bother you." I shake my head even though she can't see me. "No of course not. Do you need anything?"

"I'm just here to inform you that on Friday, is your grandmother birthday and I was thinking that we should visit them." I froze. "From your side?"

"You know that my mom and dad have passed away. It's from your dad side." I clutch my phone tighter. "No." I said coldly. "Come on Claire, it has been 20 years. I forgave what had they done to us."

"No, mom. I am not coming. Don't you remember what they did to us?" I heard her sighed. "Of course, I always remember. They hurt us, left us a big wound but it's all in the past and the wound is slowly healed."

"But it's still left a scar." We were silent for a moment lost in our thoughts. I never knew this day will come. Meeting my grandparents and their family who hate us. "Is he going to be there?" mom remain quiet. I don't need her to answer cause I know he will be there. After all he live there.

"Yes." Confirmed.

I'm sorry mom, but I can't. I have to go. I still have a lot of things to do." I didn't wait for her to respond and immediately hang up. Now I am not in the mood to work. I clean my table, head out from my office and decided to have a drink.

I can't believe mom want me to visit them and wish my grandmother a happy birthday after all those things they've done to us. She should've known before she asks me; my answer will be no. I won't ever visit them.

I arrived at the club and stepped out from the car. I head inside the club and make my way to the VIP room. As soon as I step foot in the room, I saw Adrianna sitting there sipping her alcohol. "Fancy seeing you here." I said as I sit across from her.

Her head turned to me elegantly then raised her eyebrow. "What about you? You don't usually come here. Unless there's something bothering you." She smirks in the end. I rolled my eyes at her. Reaching out for the glass, I pour the alcohol in it and took a sipped.

"Please, let's not play detective today." She looked at me as she drinks the alcohol in one shot. I sighed and decided to tell her. "My mom just called me. She wants me to visit my grandparent's home since it's my grandma birthday, but I refuse to go cause I know I will see him again." I said in spite as I bring the glass to my lips and drink it.

"You should go." I choked on my drink then coughed. Turning my head to Adrianna with my eyes widen in disbelief. "You're kidding right?"

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" she leaned back to the couch.

"Why should I even visit them? You know my past." She nods. "You hate them, right?" I nodded. "Then show them that you are not affected by their words anymore. Show them that you are no longer the little girl they humiliated. You're different now, you have everything. Thank them for saying those hurtful words to you. Because of them, you are here right now. Everyone across the globe know who you are. Therefore, you need to visit them with a smile on your face."

Adrianna has a point. They humiliated my mother and I in front of our whole family. We didn't have any money back then. If it weren't for Anton, the house butler we were probably going to sleep in the street. I grip my glass tighter as my past memories flood back at me.

I change my mind. I will visit them. I will show my self in front of them. I am no longer the weak girl they humiliated. I am different now.

Lifting my head up to Adrianna, I nodded my head. "You're right. I should be thankful because of them; I would never meet you nor Lauren. And I would never be here." Placing my glass down, I grab my bag and stood up.

I turned to my back. "Thanks Adrianna." She nods her head with a satisfied smile on her lips.

I drive my way back to my penthouse and kept replying Adrianna words like a magic spell. Hearing those words, make me one hundred percent certain that I am going to see them. Arriving at my penthouse, I head upstairs to think of a present I should give to my dearest grandma.

I decided not to inform my mother about this. I want my arrival to be a surprise for them. I can't help thinking, this is going to be a fun reunion.

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