When can we meet him?

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Claire Amber Rose

Dennis never fail to surprised me.

He went all out for our date.

I remember I was so shocked seeing a hot air balloon as we arrived at the location. Judging by how he saw my expression, he was sure that this date will be one of the best dates I ever have. He's not wrong though, that day was special to me. Even when I was with my ex, he never do something similar to this apart from going in and out of an expensive restaurant, but that is too normal.

First Dennis and I rode the hot air balloon. Dennis was the one who was in control of the flying. I didn't expect him to be good at flying this thing. He told me he learned flying it from his grandfather.

The view was amazing from above. It was beautiful. Since it was around noon, the weather was pretty good. It's not too sunny nor cloudy, just perfect. After we are done flying with the hot air balloon, we went to our next location. Which is a vineyard.

I was wondering why he brought me here. I got a feeling it has something to do with the French guy that we met a few months ago. He did told me he saw me and him strolling around the garden, and he thought that maybe we can do it together. He said and I quote, "So I will be the one on your mind every time you think about vineyard, not him."

I laughed at how cute he looks like when he is jealous.

After our stroll, Dennis suggest we join in the wine making process. Following the instructions of the vintner, we harvest the grapes first then move on to the crushing process. When I saw they are still using the traditional way, I shook my head disagreeing with Dennis as he want us to try crushing it with our foot. I politely decline it, but Dennis being himself, he was so adamant that I must follow in every process of the wine making step by step.

The vintner assured me of the stomping sanitary. I was still hesitant but ended up agreeing with Dennis unwillingly. That was literally my first time doing it. I never do something like this. As I was getting the hang of it, I was quite enjoying it.

As I was going to step out of the huge tub, I slipped. Luckily, Dennis was there as he grab my waist. I remember how flustered I looked. I swear, I was not like this before.

The vintner then told us the next process will be fermentation and it will takes roughly two or three weeks to complete fully. When all the process is complete, he will send us a bottle of wine since we join in the wine making and he said that will be his wedding gift if one we will get married. I was about to interfere, but Dennis sneak an arm around my waist and told him that we will indeed get married.

My face turned to a complete tomato as he said that.

Along the ride, he teased me how red my face is. I lightly slapped his toned bicep, which I'm sure he didn't feel a thing instead he play along by pretending it hurt. What a drama queen.

I didn't know where our next destination was. I try to pry an information out from him, but he kept his mouth shut and told me to just wait. For what it seems like an hour drive, we finally arrived. Looking around the area, I noticed we are in some woods. My eyes turned to Dennis, and he gestured me to follow him. As we were heading through the woods following the path, Dennis came to a halt and turned around to me.

He stepped aside allowing me to see what he has prepared. I gasped in surprised seeing it. It's beautiful. The fairy lights and flowers makes it even more perfect. Dinner near the lake. I always wanted to have dinner near the lake.

Dennis took my hand in his and guide me to the dinner table. Along the evening, we enjoyed each other company while having a delicious dinner. The sunset view add a romantic touch to the dinner date we had.

Overall, this is the best date I ever have, and I love it.

"Hello! Earth to Claire!" a voice break through my trance of thoughts. "What?"

"You're zoning out. What happened?" I put my cup of tea down and looked away from Lauren gaze. She narrowed her eyes at me in suspicion. The corner of her lips suddenly tugs upwards as she leaned back to her chair. "I know what's going on. You're thinking about that Harrington guy, aren't you?"

"W-what? No." I denied.

"Then care to explain why you are blushing?" I frowned. Lauren is always so straightforward. "I'm not." She scoffs. "Yeah, right."

"Are you really with him, Claire?" Adrianna calm voice join us as she slowly sipped her cup of coffee. The three of us are currently in Adrianna favorite café. Every time we wanted to meet, she always choose this café or the club. She prefers this café because of its privacy. Nowadays, it's hard for you to get privacy.

"Yeah, we are together." She raised her eyebrow at me expecting me to elaborate more further. "I decided to give him a chance despite his image being a playboy, but he changed. For months, he kept chasing me and asking me out even though I rejected him few times. He never give up on me even when I acted like a bitch to him."

"Aren't you scared he will hurt? Dennis Harrington is known for being a playboy."

"Was. I admit I was hesitant before deciding to date him, but I saw him changed and that's all it took I guess." Adrianna nods. "I wish you the best for your new relationship, Claire." She smiled warmly to me even if it's only a split second then her expression turned serious. "If he ever hurt you, I will make his life a living nightmare." I chuckled at how protective my sister is.

"So, the I don't date and don't believe in love is bullshit?" Lauren chimed in. "You'll understand that when you find the right person." I winked at her, and she rolled her eyes at me. "As if."

"When we will meet your boyfriend, Claire?" Adrianna question me. My eyebrow scrunched at the mention of my girls wanting to meet Dennis. "You guys want to meet him?"

"Of course, we just want to have a talk." Adrianna smile calmly. I know what she means by 'talk' it's not the usual talk but more like an interrogating talk.

"Fine, I'll arrange it soon."


I rubbed the side of my neck after a long day. A hot bubble bath would be nice right now. I open the door of my penthouse and about to go and filled the tub but stopped in my tracks as I noticed a figure seating in my couch.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" her head whipped to my direction, and she stood up. I walked to the couch and seat across from her. She went back to her seating position and fiddled with her fingers.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" I raised my eyebrow. She let out a sighed. "I come here to apologize. I'm sorry for saying those things to you without knowing what you've been through. I understand if you're mad at me."

"Mom, I'm not mad at you. I could never mad at you. You are the only family I have in my life. I was just upset but not mad."

"Really, dear?" I nodded and went to her side. "I'm sorry for yelling at you too." I looked down. "It's okay, dear. You were just stating your thoughts and trying to make me understand your point of view."

I hugged my mom as she hugged me back while rubbing my back. A tear escaped my eyes as I hugged her tightly. I could never stay mad at my mom for too long. She is everything to me.

"I love you, mom."

"I love you too, Claire."

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